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    Jackie: Knighted?
    Alan: The Knight of the Garter is very close. In other words, his nobility was then joined with
    theirs. He was a very high Mason. That’s why he was never prosecuted either. Everything is rigged
    in advance, always, and the information generally is out there if you wanted to get it. As I say,
    the “The Fugu Plan” was put out there because
    – and it tells you in the book the declassified documents and the numbers that you can get from the
    American government that proves that these big bankers in the U.S. funded the Japanese military
    navy and so on, and sent them all the aid and training they needed to operate all their aircraft et
    cetera, and no one got punished for it.
    Jackie: This was during or before World War II?

    Alan: It started in the early 1900’s. The banks had already been funding them from the late 1880’s
    but the official delegation from Japan came over at the beginning of about 1900 to meet with Baruch
    and a few other ones and Mandell House et cetera.

    Jackie: Mandell House. Alan, do you know what’s confusing about this? That there must be people
    along the way who witnessed this because you’re saying that this is about early 1900’s, and in the
    Voices of History – now, this isn’t well known. It isn’t publicized. It isn’t part of the history
    that we’re given in school, so I have to believe that there was – no, I don’t have to believe. Let
    me back that off. It seems for example when you look at how they goaded Japan into bombing Pearl
    Harbor and the statement that FDR made and what’s his name’s diaries, Stimson or whatever his name
    was, the Secretary of War for state, and he said that what they said or FDR said is that our
    dilemma or our problem is how do we get them to attack first. It’s almost – there are people
    involved and then when you see the final ultimatum Cordell Hall gave to Japan, well it was all
    about trade and commerce, the whole thing. Therefore, even though they planned this so far back,
    they know what they’re going to accomplish, what they intended to accomplish, but they work out the
    real details as they go along, don’t they?

    Alan: Even the details, they try to figure out all the reactions and from whom and what sectors,
    and they already have the fronts ready to meet those organizations to sway them or defeat them or

    Jackie: So during that period of time and they had seized all of the Japanese assets or whatever
    from the bank and they had put an embargo on oil or whatever they needed and really pushed them
    into a corner, but somebody there in the government, or somebodies maybe, were aware of the plan;
    but the other people that are involved actually believed that, oh, this is the last straw, we have
    no choice, we have to do this. It’s just mind-boggling.

    Alan: Yes, but we always do the same thing.

    Jackie: Your voice is getting lower again. That ticks me off.

    Alan: We set up the enemy. We fund them. We train them. We equip them even. I think it was
    Rolls-Royce that gave the engines for the Japanese aircraft to Japan, you know the zero. There’s
    even people I know here, old guys, who remember trainloads of scrap in the 1930’s all heading to
    the coast where they were shipped off to Japan, that was common knowledge.

    Jackie: Yes, and meantime Lend-Lease Act sending hundreds of millions of dollars and airplanes and
    ships and all that over to the communist Soviet Union, while on the other hand they’re funding
    Japan. I didn’t know this. This is news to me about – and I’m really glad Allen called in tonight
    and brought this up because it’s just another leg of it, and here I go again, but the stuff I’m
    talking about I’m aware of because it’s in our website, the Lend-Lease Act, and how the American
    people and all of it was going over to the Soviet Union. Major Jordan’s Diaries, that’s the little
    book that tells it all. When people look at the stuff that’s in there, if they take the time, there
    can be no question in anybody’s mind; except with all of the hours of conversation we’ve had,
    you’ll still get your mind blown away. I do.

    Alan: There’s nothing that happens major in your lifetime with your country that isn’t planned that
    way. Now that they’ve joined Britain to Europe they admit that they worked on it secretly, since
    1948 they had offices set up to begin the process and they lied to the public right through until
    the bitter end. It’s the same deal that’s happening here when on the 23rd of March, George Bush and
    Prime Minister Martin of Canada and Vicente Fox of Mexico met together and signed the same
    agreements. It’s the same agreement and they talked about a Fortress America and how to reorganize
    the entire continent and this is the type of terminology they’re using.

    Jackie: Then the news reports that you played for us, they literally said that they had
    restructured the continent in an afternoon. These three guys, Alan.

    Alan: You see that’s the trick to it because the real guys who know what they’re doing are the
    bureaucrats and these are hereditary bureaucrats as well, mind you, in the federal government.
    You’ll never see a job open for a bureaucrat advertised anywhere. These are hereditary jobs and
    these people look down their noses at the average Joe in their little ivory towers.

    Jackie: And probably look down their noses at the elected officials who are nothing but pawns and

    Alan: Because those guys are lawyers who come in and suddenly they’re ministry of the environment
    or health or something. No, the bureaucrats know what they’re doing and the bureaucrats also liaise
    directly, every level of bureaucracy liaises directly with the United Nations because the UN has
    duplicate agencies of bureaucrats that deal with those things.

    Jackie: Yes and last night when Steve Jacobsen was on with us talking about the fictitious monetary
    system, I mentioned Jacques Attali and his book but the one thing I forgot to tell our listeners
    and remind our long time listeners that he was an adviser

    to Francois Mitterrand for 10 years. I don’t think I said that. He was trained at – what was it
    called in France? How do you pronounce it, the school?

    Alan: The Grand School.

    Jackie: Yes. The Grand School. He was trained there. He was a bureaucrat, wasn’t he?

    Alan: Oh yes. I mean this man was a top adviser. Advisers are more important than presidents
    because they get their orders from – they call the advisers The Grey Men. That’s what they call

    Jackie: The Grey Men. Not the Men in Black, The Grey Men.

    Alan: The Grey Men because they come to the ones that you see, the presidents, and they tell them
    what the schedule is and what’s to be done.

    Jackie: Yes, and what to think.

    Alan: And they liaise as well with the real bosses that are not elected and that’s what they do
    and of course they write the scripts for these guys, the presidents and so on, and they’re called
    The Grey Men, on the chessboard, basically.

    Jackie: Well, that makes sense and you know I think in pictures and when you talked about it and I
    was able to get the book, because, boy, it went out of print in a hurry, his book. Folks, if any of
    you are interested, you might still be able to get a copy if you do a search in there, Jacques
    Attali, and it’s called the new millennium?

    Alan: Just “Millennium.”

    Jackie: Winners and Losers–

    Alan: “Millennium,” subtitle: “Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order” – 1990.

    Jackie: 1990 and it’s been out of print for a long time or at least not available, but I got this
    picture in my mind of them sitting in this meeting of all these national leaders and him leaning
    over and whispering in Jacques Attali’s ear. It’s like I can see it.

    Alan: Sure. It tells you in the beginning that no one saw the president without Attali’s
    permission, so Attali decided who the president would see and who he wouldn’t see

    and then he went straight from there to the United Nation. However, he said America will be the
    next land of boat people. He says once the borders are dismantled and America has basically run its
    course with the military might and it’s spent, he says there’ll be boats leaving America with
    people looking for work in the Far East. This is well known, well understood to the guys at the
    top, the whole plan.

    Jackie: And the danger if you would of the bureaucrats, but there’s really no danger because the
    elected officials are – it’s all put up anyway, but they’re behind the scenes and they’re not
    answerable to anybody and who’s going to write to a bureaucrat and say, “you quit telling Jacques
    Attali that!” Call your bureaucrat, Alan.

    Alan: The top advisers are not elected either and these are the guys–

    Jackie: That’s what I’m saying. They’re not elected.

    Alan: The guy that’s advising President Bush is David Frum. He’s one of the main advisers and
    David Frum is a Canadian.

    Jackie: He’s a Jew from Canada.

    Alan: His mother made a career as a spokeswoman for the CBC. She’s down there running for

    Jackie: Unfortunately we’re out of – he’s writing the president’s speeches too?

    Alan: And books for the right man.

    Jackie: And unfortunately our hour always go so fast. It’s gone and folks, we will be back with
    you tomorrow night. Thank you, Alan.

    (Transcribed by Linda)

    Alan Watt on
    “Sweet Liberty” with Jackie Patru May 23, 2005














    Jackie: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us tonight on Sweet Liberty.
    Today is Monday and it is the 23rd of May in the year 2005 and I hope you had a lovely weekend,
    folks. Dog gone it, it got cold here again. We’ve had a couple of days in the 70s and one day that
    it went up to 80 and actually was down to 47 here yesterday. That’s not nice. Anyway, I’m glad
    you’re with us this evening and I hope you’ve been enjoying a little better weather than we have. I
    shouldn’t be complaining.

    Alan Watt is with us tonight, and Alan, thanks for being here my dear.

    Alan: It’s a pleasure.

    Jackie: Yes, thank you. I better set my record button here. I realized that I left that conference
    report in the kitchen and I wanted to bring that up tonight, but the conference report on that
    emergency spending bill, remember where they passed the national ID? I don’t have to go get it. It
    doesn’t really matter. The main thing is I did get the copy of the conference report in the mail
    last Friday and everything that we’ve heard about this bill is true and one of the worst parts
    about it is it is wide open to change. The secretary, it says, the definition of the secretary is
    the Secretary of Homeland Defense and the secretary has been given the authority to make any
    changes in the requirements or any of the data that goes into this new identification card. And
    Alan, you know the thing is there as I was reading it and I told you this what I’ve realized is
    they’re saying that it has to be totally – all states have to be in compliance within three years.
    The states, from what I can gather, at least here in Pennsylvania, they’re pretty much there right
    now. They’ve been getting into compliance probably for the last 10, 12 years and so they call it
    federal recognition, this is how they’re doing it. See, they’re literally admitting that they
    cannot mandate to the states, but, my, my, if the state doesn’t comply and have this federal
    recognition identification card/driver’s license and/or they won’t be able to get on an airplane.

    They won’t be able to go into a federal building. What if you were ordered into court for
    something, into a federal court?

    Alan: Well, I’m sure then they’d force your thumbprints anyway and do all that kind of stuff. In
    fact they could use all the same recognition and take it all there and hand you your court pass,
    which would be the same thing.

    Jackie: What do you mean take all the recognition?

    Alan: If they want to – I mean this is going to be used everywhere and of course the courts
    themselves I’m sure will have the same equipment, not only to decode the cards, but also to make
    them up and to add to them, because everyone going through the court system will have to have that
    information then put into their card.

    Jackie: Oh, that they had some type of a legal action. Sure, everything will eventually be in here.
    One of things that nobody has mentioned this that I know of, but I’ll tell you the first thing that
    I thought about is the federal highways, Alan, because all the states – look at all the highways
    that the states have turned over to the federal government and what is that going to mean if you’re
    driving on a federal highway inside your own state and you get stopped. You don’t have a federal
    recognition ID card.

    Alan: It’s also going to be used down the road for the cashless society.

    Jackie: With the little pings in it representing money?

    Alan: Yes, it will be the only card you’ll need, and it’s a step-by-step process of course and
    they’ve been working on this for years. They tried to introduce the same cards in Britain in 1998,
    and of course in 1998 the cold war was over, nothing was happening and the public didn’t go for it.
    They’d said what’s the problem and so it fell flat, so we had 9/11 and Mr. Blair blaring off with
    all his lies and so now they’re going ahead and actually issuing them and they started last week
    issuing those cards in Britain.

    Jackie: The same ones?

    Alan: The same ones.

    Jackie: And they’ll be good for coming to the U.S. or to Canada?

    Alan: It’s really globalized. That would be passports and everything on one card and of course
    they definitely want to use it in conjunction with the cashless society because they talked about
    this years ago that they would do this and they’re actually doing it now.

    Jackie: Hey, Alan, that book you were telling me about, Sumner Welle’s “The Time for Decision,”
    that was written in 1944, right?

    Alan: It was published then. I think he began it early in World War II.

    Jackie: Some of the statements that you shared with me from that book back in 1944, you know the
    way they described it, I went in – I told you I went in and found it and I’ve got a place where I’m
    going to order it and they said that the president had sent him over to Europe, that this was the
    reason the book was written. That the president had sent him over to Europe to see if there was
    ever going to be an opportunity for peace.

    Alan: He had been an assistant secretary of state for the State Department so he had a long career
    in politics up until then and then he was transferred as you say as the top go-between for Europe
    and the U.S. There’s a map in the book where they actually separate Germany and he gives the
    reasons for the separation.

    Jackie: Now this was in 1944 before the war was over?

    Alan: Yes and as I say, judging from reading it, you can tell that he started it earlier in the
    war. Maybe at the very beginning in fact and so it was put out after. It was probably finished in
    ’43, I imagine. He had Germany partitioned–

    Jackie: The east and west?

    Alan: Yes. He gives the reasons for it he said–

    Jackie: Does he say that the east is going to be given to the communists?

    Alan: It was on the map but he doesn’t say so, but you know darn well – all the Soviet side is
    shaded on the map. He said the reason for it being that the youth have had years of indoctrination
    in Hitlerism and to leave them united would cause too much problem and so they’d have to have them
    separated with two different systems running it basically. You couldn’t have one country like
    Britain or the U.S. running both sides. You’d have to get a supposed enemy, which was Russia.

    Jackie: No, Alan, they were our allies.

    Alan: Back then, but they changed again their maps afterwards, and Uncle Joe went along with it,
    but they said that it would probably take just over 50 years before they would allow both halves to
    come together again, which is exactly what they did.
    Then, of course, he even goes into the building up of China, which he said was one of the best
    allies that they had and one of the best trading partners. Now China was mainly a third-world
    country and the only thing that Sumner Welles and his ancestors had done was to put opium into
    China because that’s where most of them made their money, their fortunes. In a sense, I guess they
    were a good business partner. Anyway, he said that the US would have to finance these countries and
    especially China to bring them up to a first-world status. Everything really was planned, I’m sure
    before World War II and these guys in the CFR (The Council on Foreign Relations), which is the
    American branch of The Royal Institute of International Affairs in Britain, they had the whole plan
    finished before the war was finished.

    Jackie: For the three wars?

    Alan: Yes.

    Jackie: Remember in 1906 Norman Dodd getting into the Carnegie minutes of their meetings, it was
    1906 when they decided that they were going to have a war and a good place to start it would be in
    the Balkans because there was a lot of unrest there anyway and of course that’s where it was,
    wasn’t it? Where the–

    Alan: The Arch Duke.

    Jackie: The Arch Duke was assassinated and it’s amazing to realize they waited until the U.S.
    Congress had passed the Federal Reserve Act because they wanted the American people to pay for it.

    Alan: You can’t have a war without borrowing and the ability to pay off the debt, so you need
    taxation. That’s standard in any big war. H.G. Wells wrote a book “The Shape of Things to Come” in
    I think it was in 1907 and he talked about the upcoming wars with Germany and he goes through this
    whole scenario. H.G. Wells got all of this material from The Royal Institute and Council on Foreign
    Relations professors who supply him with the data and he had to write stories around this data, you
    see, to encourage the public who read the books into this mode of thinking that we do need world
    government. Therefore, he wrote “The Shape of Things to Come” with a war with Germany, with a war
    in the air as well and he had three world wars. He said the third one will start in Basra, which is
    Iraq, and sure enough, here we have the third

    and final one; and then after that, he said there’ll be a scientific elite running the world
    (experts, all scientists), that’s psychology, psychiatry, physics, chemistry, everything,
    sociology. He also said that there would be a police of the air who would go around those places
    and countries who didn’t succumb and accept the authority, and they would gas them and spray stuff
    from the air; and we’re being sprayed now from the air. Nothing surprises me because it’s an old
    plan and these characters do work on their plans. They never give them up and when they’ve settled
    on a plan, even if it takes 100 years, they work towards it.

    Jackie: Yes, they sure are patient, aren’t they?

    Alan: Very patient. They are the builders you see. Freemasonry uses the builders or true brick
    masons. They use the terminology of the builders because they build society. That’s what
    freemasonry means. They shape society. They shape your thoughts, your culture and the changes in
    your culture; and just like when they built the cathedrals across Europe, the Comacines were
    brought in to do that.

    Jackie: The what?

    Alan: The Comacines. They had been initially a priesthood at the North of Italy around Lake Como
    and they were the ones, the experts in architecture and they planned the cathedrals and drew them
    up and it would take sometimes five or six generations of stonemasons to complete it. They use that
    terminology still today, that they build and shape society and they have puns on their words
    because they love to use – just like the ancient Egyptians had puns on words too, and of course the
    Bilderbergers and everyone has heard about them. Supposedly took their name after the first hotel
    where they held their first meeting in the Netherlands, but the Bilderbergers are the builders of
    the mountain. That’s what it means.

    Jackie: Builders of the mountain? What is the mountain?

    Alan: The mountain is a symbol of the their perfect society. It’s like a pyramid. That’s what a
    pyramid was. It was a perfectly shaped mountain. In other words, they used a natural mountain as a
    source; that is nature. They love nature, and how can you perfect nature? So they shaped it all
    geometrically, and of course the plan was to use that symbol to shape and perfect all of society
    and perfect that which is left imperfect, as they say, which is man himself; and as we see today,
    they’re well on their way. You turn on newscast shows today and most of what you’ll hear is experts
    giving you advice on how to do something or how to behave in a certain situation.

    Jackie: Or how to feel.

    Alan: Or how to feel, yes.

    Jackie: And what to think and say.

    Alan: It’s all social indoctrination.

    Jackie: They’re all squared. Is that right Alan?

    Alan: That’s right. A “perfect ashlar” as they say, you’ve been squared. A natural stone is
    roundish. There’s nothing true geometrical in nature, apart from perhaps snowflakes under a
    microscope. However, that’s what they plan to do, is to shape society. They’re the builders. They
    shape the minds of the public. They indoctrinate and that’s why you wear the little Masonic square
    hats when you graduate. You’ve been squared. We are in their system.

    Jackie: I remember when you were talking about that and then you mentioned a song “Another Brick
    in the Wall” or just a brick in the wall.

    Alan: That’s Pink Floyd.

    Jackie: Right after you talked about that, it’s been quite a while ago and maybe you would for our
    listeners – maybe you did explain it just now, but anyway right after you talked about that there
    was an article in the newspaper that Lilly found or else it was an AP on the radio. Remember you
    mentioned a hammer and the song “If I Had a Hammer” and they used the hammer to hammer out the –
    well, they were using all of those words in that newspaper article, Alan. Hammer, hammer, hammer,
    bricks and blocks et cetera. It was all there and it was within a couple of days after you talked
    about it and then they giggle probably.

    Alan: Oh, they do.

    Jackie: Who gives them their words, these journalists? Is it the editor when they write an article
    or something, then the editor changes the words?

    Alan: He can go in there and change them and delete certain passages that maybe they’ve gone
    overboard with.

    Jackie: I remember not too long ago reading something that a former journalist and he said that
    nothing – maybe it actually had to do with the Second World War, but nothing that they wrote ever
    really appeared as they wrote it.

    Alan: That’s correct. In fact, if you go through history, even recent history, you have these
    amazing quotations by famous people at the right times like when atomic bombs were tested and
    Oppenheimer supposedly made his famous statement, “I have become Prometheus the destroyer of
    worlds,” and of course he never said that at all, but they have these quotes ready to put in their
    mouths, you see.

    Jackie: What did they say he said?

    Alan: He said, I have become Prometheus. That’s the ancient God that stole fire from the heavens,
    intellect, and the destroyer of worlds; and of course he didn’t say that at all, but they always
    have these lines ready for the famous people that they present to us and we believe it generally.
    Even Winston Churchill had a whole staff dedicated to searching out the classics, the Greek
    mythology and so on, to get quotations and Shakespeare that he could use in his speeches. Then, of
    course, once he picked out or okayed the ones they picked for him, then he’d get his main
    scriptwriters to write into a script for him and he’d read it off over the radio with his Fireside

    Jackie: Him and FDR?

    Alan: Everything is a technique and the public must never know. They must believe the image that’s
    presented to them as it’s presented, never realizing that nothing that you see is happenstance.
    There’s no off-the-cuff remarks from any of them. They’re all scripted and that’s the world we live
    in, and Shakespeare said, “all the world’s a stage and we are but the players,” and of course
    that’s what these guys are. They’re playing to us and it’s a live theater audience and especially
    in wartime, it’s the theater of war, so they use that terminology.

    Jackie: Theater of war.

    Alan: H.G. Wells, who was a propagandist for MI6 who employed him, he’s the guy who was given the
    credit for calling it the first world war both the Great War, which is a Masonic term. Whenever you
    see anything GREAT, like Alexander the Great et cetera, they mean one from the mystery religions
    that started it and in control of it; and he also used the term “the war to end all wars,” which
    was the slogan they sold the public on so that the guys would sign up. They’re very good at

    Jackie: What do they mean by that “the war to end all wars?”

    Alan: They hoped to get the Lion in, League of Nations or LON, which is another term for lion,
    they hoped to get that in as world government after World War I. They

    thought they slaughtered so many people that we’d all beg for peace; and while we were begging for
    peace, then they’d put on the conditions that we could not live as we had lived before. In other
    words, they were upgrading their system into a new mode of being, but of course the public didn’t
    quite go for it. They were used to the old system, which they hadn’t figured out wasn’t theirs
    either. It was just the system that they were used to.

    Jackie: What would it have meant – the League of Nations was originally called The League to
    Enforce Peace. What would the LEP mean?

    Alan: LEP is short for leopard, in a sense, so they like these little quips of things, so you have
    a lion on one side and a leopard on the other. If you go back to Nimrod, he’s got the checkerboard
    fur coat on, the ermine type fur that we see today on royalty.
    They use the black specked on top of the white fur. That’s a sign of royalty. They love these
    symbols. These are ancient symbols going all the way back to Babylon and no doubt before.

    Jackie: It occurred to me this evening as I told you I had a conversation with my friend in
    Colorado. We haven’t talked in a long time. They had a situation there and they wanted to talk to
    me before this because – well, actually her daughter did because her daughter finally woke up and
    sees what’s happening. Jerri and I haven’t spoken in a long time and she doesn’t have a shortwave
    so she hasn’t been listening to the broadcast. I said, Jerri, there’s just so much to catch up on
    because the first thing people have to understand is that we were all born into a huge grotesque
    lie and that everything we ever thought we knew is not and I don’t know that I have anything to say
    that will be of help because it’s like, okay, what kind of activity. Just for our listeners, they
    were having a meeting, the lady in Colorado beaten by an illegal alien. They like to call them
    undocumented immigrants, I think.

    Alan: You mean they’re not called insurgents?

    Jackie: No, they’re not insurgents. No. Probably the group that was meeting were called insurgents.
    But there were about 50 people and they had rented a restaurant, a bar and grill to have their
    meeting in and there was evidentially a local talk show host there that had gotten this thing
    together and the woman who had gotten beaten was at the mike talking to the people and suddenly she
    said a Latino ran out of the kitchen. I asked her who was he? What right did he have to do this
    anyway? Well, he was the kitchen manager is all, but he ran out of the kitchen, grabbed the mike
    and told them to pay up their bill and get the hell out of there and they didn’t make any fuss
    about it. They paid their bills as they left and in fact they talked to the manager of the
    restaurant and he wanted them to leave because they were talking about this situation.

    Then they went to the park and the next thing you know, the police were making them disband, and
    she said what Debbie finally understood is that our First Amendment rights are gone but what should
    we do? Okay. We sit here and talk about this stuff and I wonder if – I don’t want us to be in a
    position where it is rendering people in their minds hopelessness or helplessness. Do you
    understand what I’m saying, Alan?

    Alan: If they continue blaming the side effects of plans, they’ll get nowhere. They have to go to
    the source of the cause of it and of course it’s no secret that many years ago when they talked
    about uniting the whole continent and doing away with the borders and of course they did that
    officially on the 27th of March. Bush signed that agreement that we’re now one big Fortress America
    and within three to four years the borders will be gone.

    Jackie: Actually that newspaper article said they restructured a continent in an afternoon.

    Alan: Yes, he met with the prime minister of Canada and Mexico and signed the agreement.

    Jackie: According to this, Vicente Fox is in his last term. Of course, G.W. Bush is and they said
    that Paul Martin in Canada was having so many problems that it’s not likely that he’ll be in
    another term.

    Alan: It doesn’t matter who the person is because they don’t run the country. They don’t run them.
    In fact, H.G. Wells in 1918, 1919 wrote about that. He said that they had achieved their objective
    because now every bureaucracy and every nation would have a counterpart in the League of Nations
    and they could bypass their government and go straight to their fellow bureaucracy in the League of

    Jackie: We have a break coming up here and it will be just about a minute and a half or so. Would
    you remind our listeners about the books you have available?

    Alan: I go into detail with the types of systems that we’re living under and where they came from
    and it’s an eye opener I think for most
    people. [See for ordering information.] As far as the books to
    check up on what’s actually happening, I was thinking of putting a few into the end of the third
    edition so you can go and look up the histories of the system that we’re living under and see how
    far back it goes because it’s been here for an awful long time. People don’t realize that in 1941
    Churchill and Roosevelt signed an agreement for the NATO pact basically (North Atlantic Treaty
    Organization), and in that treaty they had a system worked out and they signed it into the treaty
    that they

    would make a world system, a federation of the world based on the federation of the United States.
    Of course, if you notice, the U.S. is now completing its mission, the mission that I believe it was
    created to do, the NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (New World Order), it’s actually finishing off the plan.
    It’s forcing what’s called democracy, which is a World Bank running the show with a central bank
    puppet there and a taxation system and the social system of the United States. They’re forcing it
    on the last Moslem countries which don’t have the central banking system. They don’t have income
    tax and they don’t have usury. It’s the last part of the function of the United States we’re seeing
    implemented right now.

    Jackie: I’m back here, Alan.

    Alan: As I was saying about the system and how old it is, the public has no idea that there’s one
    reality given to us throughout our lives and it comes through education and then reinforced for the
    rest of their life by the media and magazines to give you this matrix idea of the world you live
    in, but there’s always another one which actually runs the show and the public have no input into
    and it’s run by very elite and wealthy people.

    Jackie: This situation with immigration is part of the plan of course and that’s what America was
    meant to be, but of course they’re doing it in all of the developed English speaking countries,
    aren’t they, Alan?

    Alan: Yes and all of Europe too is coming into it.

    Jackie: That’s what I mean.

    Alan: It’s exactly the same process in the laws actually, because I watched a program on it
    recently. When a country joins the European Union, from the day that it’s declared it’s now in
    force; so when Bush and Fox and Martin met down in Waco where they signed the deal, that was the
    legal announcement of the unification. Then they said in Europe it takes three to four years before
    they completely take down the border and that’s what we’re going to have here. That’s why they want
    the ID cards out now. It’s an old plan and Jacques Attali wrote about it in 1990 and he was at the
    United Nations. He was the top adviser for Francois Mitterrand. Francois Mitterrand who was the
    President of France believed he was a reincarnation of the pharaoh Ramses II and he got the glass
    pyramid outside the museum there in Paris and it had 666 panes of glass in it. They love these
    little messages and so on. Anyway, Jacques Attali did write the book “Millennium” in 1990 and he
    said that the next great immigration rush would be out of the United States, he said, after the
    countries of Latin America flood through the gates. He said initially it would be like the

    hordes that assaulted Rome, the vandals and the Goths and so on. He said there will be criminals
    too coming up, the gangs will come up and pillage and plunder. He said but eventually after a
    period of time, maybe 30 years, it will settle down a little bit, but by that time the industry
    will all be gone from the United States and the next boat people will be the U.S. citizens leaving
    the shores of the U.S. going abroad looking for work. This is an agenda from the top and we are
    blaming the side effects – the people that are coming in, who are being encouraged to come in
    through the agreements between Bush and Fox and all the other bureaucrats who really do the work.
    We have to keep our sights on who really is causing this to happen.

    That’s who you should be throwing all your time and energy at are these people; demanding to know
    these people who have set up this system, who planned it and who are implementing it, because the
    government is complicit with it. They do nothing to stop it since it is the agenda and that’s the
    bewildering thing for most people who still live in the first matrix, which is the one they’ve
    given you, they can’t figure out why their own government is not stopping it; so they’ve got to
    seek and then demand that their own government do something about it, because at the moment it’s
    just causing tension between the incomers.

    Jackie: Here in the states it should be done at the local and state level.

    Alan: Yes, but you know that the big boys are all in the pockets of the bigger boys and it’s a
    Masonic system. In all of the Masonic books, including Albert Pike, he wrote about the
    international brotherhood of man and the borderless world to come, et cetera.

    Jackie: You know another thing I was wondering about the people that are from Mexico who are
    saying we are going to take back our country, our land. Well, it was stolen from them, Alan. It was
    rested from them by warfare and you said people get angry with those who are coming in, they are
    only being used to further this plan; but my question is, was this planned that long ago when they
    took the land and called it the U.S of A, California, Texas. What is it, Arizona and New Mexico,
    wasn’t that all Mexican territory?

    Alan: Yes, pretty well.

    Jackie: And did they plan that so that they could have this divisiveness and this riotness and

    Alan: What they did, this is how far back this goes – well, it’s actually older, but you can go
    back to say the Normans that came in and took over Europe and they created

    the nations of Europe. These Normans, all this royalty at the top of each country that they created
    as a nation, they then put borders round and then they taxed the public who lived within those
    borders; and so they’d always have threats of warfare and skirmishes between their relatives and
    the peasants would die and then demand peace and then pay more taxes. That’s how the whole system
    works. They created the borders to get us to be industrious and patriotic and you have to remember
    that Karl Marx was trained by some of the best bankers on the planet who have very, very old
    archives of history, as opposed to public libraries. Public libraries are for the public you see.
    These guys have archives of history, just like the Vatican, and Karl Marx talked about the global
    system. Before, he said, it can become global, we must create and push for nationalism. Nationalism
    is a phase on the road towards globalism because nationalism creates central governments and
    central governments then take over from all the little governments underneath them and they
    standardize the law across the land. There’s a law for everything and that’s the system they’ve all
    gone through. They’ve all been highly nationalized and they call them “wars of national
    liberation.” Now you go into the next phase which is the taking down of the borders, because while
    they were nationalizing you didn’t realize that the guys at the top of your country and every
    country were all in cahoots and making the same laws for your country as they were for every other
    country, so that when they took down the borders you’d all have exactly the same laws in place.
    It’s all ready for world government.

    Jackie: Including the ingredients in frozen pizza.

    Alan: Exactly, yes.

    Jackie: That is so insidious. I mean you talk about details, Alan.

    Alan: You have to realize even in the group at Yale University, the Skull and Bones, which George
    Bush and other ones went to, they have a place called the War Room. All of the high lodges have a
    War Room and the War Room is where they plan their strategy of war on the public and we don’t
    realize it; that even as we think we’re living in times of peace, these guys are actually making
    war on the public constantly and they change your morality. They change your culture through fads,
    through promotions and they can make you wear whatever they want you to wear to be trendy, but they
    design everything for you. Your thoughts, your music, how you’ll feel, what you’ll be guilty about
    or not guilty about – it’s all given to us. We are infinitely malleable as they say and infinitely

    Albert Pike also talked about the war, the ongoing war of the Great Work and how they were the
    shepherds and we were the sheep, you see. They make the plans and

    Pike also said, “We never start a premature revolution.” In other words, they go over it like a
    battle plan, a cultural change or a social change, and they go through all the expected reactions
    from different types of people and they already have their plans of actions to go into place when
    these organizations will come against them. It’s an ongoing war you see; and while they’re doing
    that with the adults, they’ve already implemented a graduated system in kindergarten right through
    their schooling so that those children who go into kindergarten at two are already conditioned
    scientifically for the conditions and changes they will experience in their life.

    Jackie: Yes and I heard them talking about this in the school-to-work thing when I was a C-Span
    junky and over and over and over again because they were talking about the preschool, that they
    want every five year old child ready to enter kindergarten. In other words, get them pre-prepared
    and I know this is like you were talking about the morals and there was an item in the newspaper
    that somebody emailed to me. A kindergarten class where they were promoting homosexuality to these
    little children, the father of the little boy told the principal that he wanted to be informed when
    they were doing this so that he could opt his son out to get him and take him home. He came to the
    school and they wouldn’t let him go into the room evidentially and he went and got his little boy
    and they arrested this father.

    Alan: We are in compulsory indoctrination times and that’s what it is, compulsory indoctrination.
    They have so many young boys now drugged with Ritalin and so on, and of course now they’re going a
    step further and blaming bad genes, bad gene mixing, so they’re back into eugenics big time. It’s
    never gone away really and there’s more things to come because the system that they’re bringing in
    is a scientifically managed system. It doesn’t mean the sciences are true or correct, but as long
    as the ones who implement it believe so, they’re going to force it on the public, including annual
    psychological evaluations with the mandatory treatments to follow. We’re going into their beautiful
    utopia, which is a hell for the people, but if it worked it would be a utopia for the elite who
    rule the world. What they do not want is free thought. They’re doing all their best to stifle it
    and making it illegal to even ask questions on certain topics and when that happens you know you’re
    in trouble and trouble is coming. However, it also means that they’re starting to break when they
    start to use violence on people and try to forbid from using their own minds and inquire into
    anything they want to inquire to. There’s trouble when they have to come out with the batons and
    handcuffs, and so that’s their weak link. They show the brutes as they are and that does not gain
    public support. They’ll go through the same old techniques like the robots they are and they’ll try
    to bash it into the public eventually, but that will fail. That will fail and that is their weak
    link. They cannot bring on everything that they want to bring on simply by indoctrination through
    movies and

    plays and so on and documentaries. It comes to the time when they come out with the big stick and
    that’s when the public see them for what they are.

    Jackie: When they overstep their – when they get as blatant as they’ve become.

    Alan: They’ve been preparing an internal army for years. They’ve building it up for years for when
    they pull the plug on the economy, what’s left of it, and I think they’ll do it once the job over
    in the Middle East is over. That’s the last task that the U.S. has to perform before it then must
    succumb down into the system that it helped create, and so this is a very old plan and the U.S. was
    born for this. Even Benjamin Franklin said it and Jefferson. They both made the same statements
    about the United States: What is it to be? He said “a light for the world and he said I can
    envision a World Federation run by 12 wise men,” which is right out of the Kabbalah. Jefferson said
    the same thing and that’s exactly what they signed in 1941 with the North Atlantic Treaty Pact,
    was that the United States system of a federation would be basically forced on every other country
    in the world. That’s how far back it goes.

    Jackie: You know the thing that amazed me to find out and I got it out of that history
    – anyway, where every single war that the U.S., that the American people have fought in, have been
    to get more territory. Meaning the islands and everything, everything and they said it right in the
    book. Again, it’s empire building, Alan.

    Alan: That’s why you have an Empire State and you have a big obelisk there called a skyscraper,
    which is the Empire State Building, but no one ever thinks well what empire are they talking about?

    Jackie: That’s right.

    Alan: It’s World Empire, of course it is, and back in the 1960’s the CFR and The Royal Institute
    of International Affairs (which has a branch in every British Commonwealth country, and in Canada
    it’s called the Canadian Institute for International Affairs), they held a meeting in London to
    discuss which country would promote the global culture for the coming years. They decided then,
    okay, that Hollywood primarily and America would promote the system of culture creation for the
    world, so they are the culture creators.

    Jackie: But we didn’t know that we were going to be controlled by those who call themselves Jews.

    Alan: Well, they’ve always been in that business.

    Jackie: Yes, they have, haven’t they?

    Alan: Of “entertainment,” as they call it, and it’s old as can be.

    Jackie: Well, it goes far beyond entertainment, Alan.

    Alan: All entertainment has always been this way. We don’t realize it. When a person is being
    given a lecture, for instance, if you’re sitting in a school you have the ability to accept what
    you hear or parts of what you hear and disregard others. That’s your mental censorship kicking in,
    your ability to think for yourself, but that guard is not up when you’re being entertained and so
    the ideas expressed in the movie or the play penetrate past your guard and go into your
    subconscious, and then you and your life will start to emulate in certain situations that you’ve
    seen portrayed. You will emulate what you saw and behave in the way that you saw the people behave
    in the movies and that’s easily done nowadays.

    The Tavistock Institute where the main advisors for the Coronation Street Series, which began in
    the 1960’s and is still ongoing, and on that series back in the ’70’s they showed you the
    intermarriage, the troubles between incoming people from India and the mixing and so on, and the
    characters portrayed the parts well and when the real thing actually happened the public acted in
    the same way. They saw how the actors had handled the situations and they emulated what they saw.
    Everything that you see under the guise of entertainment is actually conditioning. Plato said that
    about 2,400 years ago. He said the traveling players that come to Greece it was mandatory that the
    whole city had to attend, each person, including the slaves, had to attend these shows at least
    once for every traveling troop because he says that’s where the culture is given to the people.
    That’s where the changes in the culture are given to the people and even he said the fashion
    industry – industry was the word he used, it gave them the fashion and he also talked about the
    music and how important it was to indoctrinate the young. This is an ancient technique that’s been
    used for thousands of years and a fantastic example of that was on the CBC news tonight and it was
    from Britain, where the store keepers are now banning teenagers who wear those pullover running
    tops with the hood on it.

    Jackie: They call them “hoodies.”

    Alan: Yes, and that’s where you get the word hoodlum. People don’t realize this is an old
    technique they brought back in fashion for today.

    Jackie: Why are they banning them?

    Alan: But of course through this whole thing they didn’t tell you–

    Jackie: But why are they banning them?

    Alan: Because they’re having so much crime with people putting up their hoods and going into
    stores so the camera can’t recognize their faces. They put their heads down and of course they’re
    standing there with the baggy pants with the crotch down to their knees and these sweatshirts on
    with a hood on it, and over the conversation you hear the rap music going. The jungle music and of
    course not once did they mention where the children all got this fashion from or where their ideas
    came from; and of course it’s much music. The BBC gives it to them. Therefore, the elite give you
    the problem and they come out with the solution, which is more laws and ways to behave and more
    checkpoints on the streets and so on. That’s so typical. They give you the problem. If they wanted
    to make ballerina costumes very trendy for masculine males, they’d do so. They could do it.

    Jackie: Yes they would and I just heard our one-minute warning so we’re going to have to wrap this
    up tonight. Thank you so much for being here with us. Alan, thank you so much.

    Alan: It’s a pleasure.

    (Transcribed by Linda)

    Alan Watt on
    “Sweet Liberty” with Jackie Patru May 25, 2005














    Jackie: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for joining us tonight on Sweet Liberty. It is
    Wednesday. It’s the end of our broadcast week here and is the 25th of May in the year 2005. Alan
    Watt is with us tonight. Alan, thanks for being here tonight.

    Alan: Yes, it’s a pleasure.

    Jackie: So what’s up?

    Alan: Well, I guess there’s a lot guess up because there’s so much going on that I think
    everyone’s concerned about the ID card coming out.

    Jackie: Well, I would hope everybody’s concerned, Alan.

    Alan: Some are; but I think the ones who are usually watching what’s happening, they understand
    it. The rest of the public of course are either oblivious to it and therefore they’ll accept it
    quite calmly as it comes along, as they would anything else. With the biometric scan, they really
    introduced that when they introduced the driving licenses in a lot of places. That was the same
    thing with the biometric reading of certain points in your face so the computer can then recognize

    Jackie: I think Georgia has already done it.

    Alan: Quite a lot of places have done that already.

    Jackie: What are they doing in Canada?

    Alan: The same thing. It’s the same here, the same everywhere.

    Jackie: I know, but are they requiring the biometrics?

    Alan: They have for the driving license for quite a few years now.

    Jackie: Okay, what are the biometrics? Are we talking fingerprints? Are we talking retina scans?

    Alan: No. The driving license up until now has just been the actual biometric photograph – the
    computerized photograph.

    Jackie: Oh, the digital thing?

    Alan: Yes. It does do certain geometrical patterns between points in your face so they can
    recognize it again once the computer’s broken it down, so that’s been here for quite a few years
    and in Britain as well as everywhere else.

    Jackie: How do they use facial recognition? I mean what’s the deal with these?

    Alan: Apart from the fact the computer literally breaks down your face into numbers really, it’s
    tiny little numbers, zeros and ones, binary code, they also take points between your cheekbones;
    the distance between your eyes. All of that thing is being measured as that photograph is being

    Jackie: And what is the purpose for that?

    Alan: I think the purpose of it all was to get us all used to it, so that when you move into the
    next stage of the ID card itself it’s no big deal since you’ve already got that photograph already.

    Jackie: I know. But what I don’t understand is what’s the big deal measuring the distance between
    our eyes et cetera, et cetera?

    Alan: It’s a certain distance when you get your photograph taken. There’s a certain distance
    between you and the camera, which is computed into the whole thing, so that they can positively
    identify you even if you’ve had some facial features altered for instance.

    Jackie: Oh, I see.

    Alan: They can still measure between the eyes.

    Jackie: Let’s say if you had nose job or something or even a face-lift or something?

    Alan: Or a chin implant. They can still take the rest of what’s left and still positively say
    that’s still that person.

    Jackie: Do you think it’s true that we all have doubles? Do you think there’s anybody else exactly
    like somebody else, exactly?

    Alan: There are some like that, absolutely, I know that for a fact.

    Jackie: Okay. How do you know that for a fact?

    Alan: I met someone who thought I was the other person and it was the oddest thing that ever

    Jackie: Did he talk funny like you? I’m teasing.

    Alan: I don’t know but I’ll tell you, listen to this little story. I had come down from Inverness
    in Scotland down to Sterling this morning, that one morning, and had brought a girlfriend down with
    me. I got off in Sterling and a woman shouted my name and she said Alan and I said who is this
    woman? She obviously knows me and then she said Alan and then I still stood there with a puzzled
    expression and she said, Alan Watson. I thought well she’s so darn close she must obviously know me
    somehow and it turned out she was the next door neighbor of this guy called Alan Watson, who was
    married that lived next door to her and had just left that morning on a trip up to Inverness. I had
    just come down from Inverness.

    Jackie: And she saw you there with another woman.

    Alan: Yes and she would not believe – I mean she still wouldn’t believe me and she came right up
    to me too and she still thought I was this other guy.

    Jackie: And he did talk funny like you then?

    Alan: I guess he must have.

    Jackie: Well, he was from Scotland.

    Alan: That was weird, though, but that did happen. It was the oddest thing.

    Jackie: Yes, especially so close to home. Well, I was reading an item today about again this real
    ID and some woman wrote I think a doctor but they’re talking that this
    – see, I went through my files, Alan, and this was from last year in October and it had something
    to do with one of their intelligence bills they had passed. This article told about the national ID
    that buried in that that was passed last October, but that’s where all this biometrics and things.
    Because see, I haven’t seen anything about it in his Conference Report that I wrote. Well of
    course, the thing is they have given the Homeland Security the authority to add any requirements
    that he wants to and you know there’s something in this thing about building a wall or something in
    San Diego for illegal aliens to stop them. I don’t know what it’s all about but it’s something
    about building a barrier 17 miles or something and the Homeland Security Czar has total authority
    over this too; and in the process he has the right, the authority, to just bypass any laws that are
    in force whatsoever. There’s got to be a lot more to this than I am reading in this report.

    Alan: It is a totalitarian position this man holds. He has all rights to do everything he wants

    Jackie: I want to remind our listeners of this. The New York Times featured, this was not long
    after 9/11 when they came out with the restructuring, you can read that in the Homeland Security
    section by the way. What do they call it? The 21st Century what – the plans for restructuring?
    Anyway, the New York Times did like a graph. Not a graph, a flowchart like if you’re doing a family
    tree. What do they call that?

    Alan: Genealogy.

    Jackie: Okay, but this is the U.S. government and what they showed the pecking order. They showed
    the president. Underneath the president they showed the Homeland Security Czar. Underneath that, a
    big line, there was FEMA and underneath FEMA there was every single department and office in the
    U.S. government. So the Homeland Security Czar would have authority over the FEMA director and of
    course the puppet president would do whatever he does. But the thing is, where they showed the U.S.
    Congress was up in the top left corner of this thing on

    the page and it wasn’t connected to any feature at all, not one part of the structure of the U.S.

    Tell our listeners about your books.

    Alan: What I’ve put in these books, the first two are basically a sort of gestalt type of
    education into all that’s happening around you, which you don’t really see in a sense. You see them
    on an exoteric level. I show you the esoteric and it helps to get the reader to participate in what
    he’s reading because you’ll find that certain cogs in your brain start to mesh together and start
    making sense of what’s really going on. The third one goes into the religions, what was behind the
    religions. [See for ordering
    information.] You’ll find the same esoteric story is contained within every major religion known to
    the high priests in every major religion, whether it was Judaism, Brahmanism, whatever. It’s all
    the same at the top and of course the world has been run, as they say in the Kabbalah and other
    major books out there, for 6,000 years with the Great Work as they call it commencing around 4,000
    BC. The Great Work was to take over the world and perfect that which was left imperfect, and by
    that, they mean perfecting wild nature into nature which they can control through science and
    ultimately restructuring man, rebuilding man and woman in the way that the scientists deem fit for
    their purpose and that’s what’s called the Great Work. Of course, as we all know with the talk of
    brain implants, which they do have ready to go, and cybernetics to create people for special jobs,
    various tasks and so on, and actually cloning thrown in there, you can see that that’s where
    they’ve been heading for all this time. The complete reshaping of the world in which we live
    through the understanding of nature or science and the rebuilding of human type specialized beings,
    which the elite will deem necessary for the elites’ survival.

    If you go into Charles Galton Darwin’s book (the grandson of Charles Darwin), he wrote a book in
    the 1950’s called “The Next Million Years” and he said there was simply too many people from the
    working class types, the lower classes as he called them, and they wouldn’t be necessary in the
    future which science had already mapped out; so he said they had to start eliminating the lower
    gene pools which they didn’t need and the rest would be altered for specialized jobs to serve the
    elite. He himself of course believes he was one of them; and he said, we the elite will not be
    altered ourselves because we are steering the ship, we are guiding the ship and we need our
    survival capabilities in order to take the world where we want it to go, whereas the rest of the
    people, the workers, will not need that ability in their brain, that part of the brain that gives
    you your survival capabilities, because the State will be taking care of all of their problems for
    them. Of course in a socialized system, which is almost worldwide today, you’ll find that most of
    your problems – actually most of your

    decision making is already taken care of by governmental departments and what you’re left with is
    sort of a narrow avenue where you can still use self-will and make your own decisions. The rest of
    them are really made for you and in fact you’re born into their system where debt, the owing of
    debt, the paying of debt, all of this stuff has already been done by previous generations.
    According to Jefferson, and the Old Testament, anyone born into a debt is therefore a slave.
    Charles Galton Darwin in his book “The Next Million Years” actually said that. He said, “every type
    of system in this civilization has been based on slavery and we are simply making a more perfect
    form of slavery.”

    It isn’t that your system is changing. The fact is: it was never your system. You were simply born
    into a part of it you got used to and the true owners are simply upgrading their system to the next
    phase. I go through this in my writings and I quote other authors too who were part of the same
    structure and what you find is that pretty well every major event in your lifetime that’s happened
    to any country in the world, you’ll find that these major events were planned long before you were
    born. They were discussed by very high-level groups of very wealthy people and you’re simply living
    the script. It’s no accident that today into this new millennium we kicked it off really with a
    completely different structure of totalitarianism coming in, in order to ram through the
    “scientific socialism” as they call it down our throats under the guise of terrorism.

    Jackie: I’m back here, Alan. Did you want to continue with your train of thought there?

    Alan: I pretty well came to it. I was telling the people that all the major things that are
    happening now and have been through their lifetime were actually planned.


    Jackie: Well, I’ll tell you what you said today that you would like to ask Alan, because you are
    not a stupid person as we both know, but you’ve been uninformed and you said that you would like
    for him to give you maybe – for the person who is just waking up. How did you put that, for the
    average Joe?

    Tim: For the blue-collar guy.

    Jackie: The blue-collar guy. You ask the question, Tim.

    Tim: I think my question was, Alan, what are the top five things that you would tell a regular old
    blue-collar person who’s just starting to wake up? What would you want them to know?

    Jackie: Okay, Tim, the way we’re set up here you have to listen off air, honey. Off the phone.

    Tim: I’m on internet because I couldn’t make out WWCR.

    Jackie: Okay cool. Well, you’ll be able to hear his answer. Check it and see.

    Tim: I’ll try tuning it up and see what happens.

    Alan: Well, the first thing he’s got to know is that if you’ve classified yourself as
    blue-collar, you’ve already put yourself in a category. Everyone puts themselves into a pre-made
    category in the system because the entire system is fake. There’s nothing natural in the system.

    Jackie: Would you repeat that again in case Tim wasn’t able to hear it yet?

    Alan: The first thing is not to put yourself into a category, whether it’s blue-collar,
    white-collar or whatever.

    Jackie: In other words, don’t label yourself.

    Alan: Yes, because that’s what they want you to do is have a certain impression of who you are and
    that’s all that you are and here you are in this level, and of course that keeps you submissive
    really to the system and to the ones who actually run the system and puts you in an inferior
    position. By rights, everyone who’s born technically is a sovereign unless they give it away and
    you give it away unknowingly through the labels that you allow to be put on yourself.

    Jackie: In other words, calling ourselves a democrat, a republican, a conservative, a liberal, a
    this, a that.

    Alan: Left right, whatever.

    Jackie: Left, right.

    Alan: Up, down.

    Jackie: Okay, thanks. That’s wonderful.

    Alan: That’s the first part of it. The second part is that when a person wakes up to the
    beginnings of it all, they think that the system that they’re used to has been taken over. In
    reality the system they were born in was created for them by the elite and it had a purpose to
    serve and the same elite are simply upgrading their system to the next part and you’re not
    comfortable with it because you’re just simply not used to it, because this system has been fake
    from the beginning. It’s all based on money and a form of slavery, which, with the use of money, is
    more hidden. It’s sophisticated, as Charles Galton Darwin said, but when you end up paying 40
    percent or more of your earnings back in taxes openly and hidden taxes and property taxes, you are
    in fact simply a slave who is feeding himself, clothing himself and making sure he can get to work.
    Whereas in the old days they had slave masters who had to throw the clothes at you and once in a
    while a pair of shoes and so on. Therefore, it’s a more sophisticated form of slavery and we have
    to ask ourselves if that’s why we’re here, to serve?

    Jackie: In other words, the whole like American dream I could relate this to myself that it isn’t
    – the dream was given to us and the system that we’ve been living in, as you said, it’s a system
    that has – it’s a controlled system in other words?

    Alan: Totally.

    Jackie: Totally controlled in every aspect?

    Alan: Yes.

    Jackie: In entertainment; in fashion; in religion; in education; and history and everything that
    we ever thought we knew.

    Alan: That’s right and it also alters what you think of as purpose—purpose in life— because really
    you’re confined to a very narrow channel, as far as what you think are free choices, because all
    the other choices really have been made for you before you were even born. The system is already in
    effect. The debt system is already there.
    You’re born into owing a debt that you did not incur and that’s how the slavery system works in the
    Old Testament. If the debtor who was in bondage to pay off a debt had children while he was still
    in debt, then those children then belonged to the slave master as well. That’s traditional. That is
    traditional and so as Jefferson said, “if a generation is born owing a debt incurred by a previous
    generation then those children are actually slaves.” This is well understood by the ones at the

    Jackie: And you know that’s a tough pill to swallow and people who’ve listened to the broadcasts
    with you for a long time they’ve got it or they’re beginning to get it. They’re in a stage of
    getting it. We all are but I know for myself when we first were – well, when you and I talked for
    about six months before you even came on the air with us and you’ve been coming on the air off and
    on since then, but when I finally got it that everything that we thought we knew was a lie and all
    of this wonderful American dream. This is the greatest country in the world. We’re free. We have a
    Constitution et cetera, et cetera; it was tough, Alan, and I went through a period of
    disorientation that was incredible where everything looked foreign to me. It was almost as though I
    were in another world or something, and so I want to say this to Tim and to any of our listeners
    who are fairly new and if you don’t have, if you haven’t ordered, Alan’s books, I’ll tell you what
    folks, it will take you a long way into what we’ve been talking about over the past several years.

    Alan: It’s interesting too because the third thing you’ll find is that you go through a death, a
    form of dying, and you go through all the process of it when you find out that democracy is a big
    lie and that you really have no say in anything because everything has been decided by people
    you’ll never meet or even know of. You go through the same stages of depression and so on as any
    other death as you let go of the old and begin to see what’s really there, so that’s probably the
    third thing that happens.

    The fourth thing to do, I would definitely say, is to get a hold of some old books by people like
    Bertrand Russell who worked for the establishment that planned the future because the world is just
    one big business plan.

    Jackie: And this would be the more recent past?

    Alan: Yes. He wrote a book to do with education and how the conditioning process would be worked
    on the minds of the young and in such a fashion that the parental input would be null and void
    because the indoctrination from kindergarten onwards would be introduced in a very scientific way
    and it would really take hold of in the minds of the children, so that when they went home at
    night, no matter what the parents said, the children would take the indoctrination from the school
    as a priori in their dealing with things. That book he put out back in the early 1900’s from his
    own experimental schools that he was given permission to set up in Britain is called “Education and
    the Good Life.” That was the title of it and the other one he wrote was “The Roads to Freedom,” and
    in both of those books he goes through the whole future. We’ve actually seen it occur since then
    and he was part of the planning committee for British Royalty and nobility. He’s Lord Bertrand
    Russell and he saw nothing wrong in the small elite, the intellectual elite and the scientific
    elite having the right to dominate the world and all the people in it.

    Jackie: What would the title of that book mean to him The Roads to Freedom”? Freedom from what?

    Alan: They’ve always been terrified of the masses. That’s why you have such incredible amounts of
    entertainment and hobbies and sports and so on to keep everyone occupied and to get rid of any
    angry tendencies that can be played out on a field. They’ve always been terrified of the people
    actually truly being awake and seeing what was really going on, so they’ve always been terrified of
    the masses and quite rightly so; because if the masses could understand what’s been happening to
    them and what is happening to them today, I wouldn’t like to be in the shoes of any of the elite.

    Jackie: And they wouldn’t like to be in their shoes either, would they?

    Alan: That’s correct and that’s why they’re spraying the skies. They’re killing off people.
    They’ve gone too far to turn back now. They can’t come out and admit what they’ve been doing, but
    the signs are all around us – apparently even the UN has come out and admitted that the leading
    cause of death now is bronchial problems and pneumonia. They know what they’re doing and they can’t
    come out on any media and tell you this now. They’ve gone too far. The sperm count in the West is
    down by 75 percent. In other words, men are three quarter sterile from what they were in 1950 and
    it’s about time the UN comes out next month and tells us the next statistic because they do it
    every year. Their plan is working and now of course with the next phase they plan – Bertrand
    Russell goes into this whole thing from the early 1900’s, that they would create different types of
    humans for specialized work and he goes into it in a book called “The Impact of Science on
    Society.” He outlines all of this cybernetic type genetic manipulation and the need to eradicate
    again the part of your brain (for the masses, that is) which leads to your survival capabilities.
    It’s your survival capabilities they’re worried about. If they were working, you would know what’s
    happening to those around you and yourself.

    Jackie: What part of the brain are we talking about?

    Alan: Basically it’s the part where all your intuition is based.

    Jackie: Is that the right side?

    Alan: It connects with them but it really is – they call it the primitive part. I mean all animals
    should have that. All wild animals have it because they can sense what’s going on and it allows
    them to survive.

    Jackie: But you said one time that for example and I always forget whether it’s the left or right
    side. One side is logic, knowledge et cetera, and the other side is creativity, intuition. Which
    side is which?

    Alan: The right is emotion and so on.

    Jackie: The right is right. Well I could remember that then.

    Alan: But all parts of your brain are still connected to that part which is your basic survival
    center and that should connect with both so that both sides can go into action and save your life.
    However, if you notice today, people are so passive and nothing is bothering them really, most
    people, and they don’t even complain about the cost of gasoline; and when you see dictatorial
    measures taken to take away all rights and freedoms, really amongst the majority of the public,
    there’s no real problem with it.
    Well, that’s not natural you see. Plato went into that over 2,400 years ago. He said that we
    domesticate animals to eradicate their wildness and their survival capabilities.
    That’s what a domesticated animal is. It’s placid and tame and it doesn’t have the intuition of its
    impending doom, you might say, and of course that’s what he suggested they actually do to people:
    Breed them the same way and breed out the aggressive tendencies which would allow them to be free.
    This is well understood. It’s been discussed by many think tanks over the last 100 years or so and
    they’re actually implementing it through scientific methods.

    Jackie: I think it’s important for our newer listeners when you say okay this has been implemented
    over the past 100 years. It is just another phase of a system that has – but it takes itself in
    cycles, it seems, Alan.

    Alan: A long time ago the Egyptians had the diet of the slaves down to a very fine art. They knew
    exactly what to feed them, what not to feed them, to make them obedient, sluggish of thought but
    efficient enough to work. Not too fit and healthy so they could run off, so this has been tried by
    the Egyptians. The East India Company also used those techniques in its plantations. Malthus, who
    wrote the Treatise on population and population control, also wrote a book about feeding certain
    things to the people so they’d be sluggish of mind but very obedient.

    Jackie: And so did Charles Galton Darwin.

    Alan: The same thing. Of course, now we see that they’ve gone for the genetically modified food,
    which has taken over everything; and Monsanto, who is one of the biggest producers of the modified
    food, one of it’s subsidiary companies is called

    SEARLE Pharmaceuticals and they work with the parent company on the modified
    food. Now Searle Company is one of the main leaders in psychotropic drugs for the