Water Cloudbuster

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    Forum Home > Orgonite Development, Research and New Ideas > Water Cloudbuster

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    I have built two Water Cloudbuster (WCB) , one with coper tubes and other aluminium tubes, both work very efficeintly, much bettern than the standard Croft CB, and lots cheaper and easier to make.

    please see this link for detail


    March 20, 2011 at 3:09 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Yes thankyou Cloud Walker…..sylphs since you installed eh ? Please enjoy photos of your Water CB’s….work on induction principle !



    About 20 Tb’s


    And the aluminium pipe model…just as strong.



    Excellent …strongest orgone field I’ve felt from a CB…oh, and sylphs don’t lie !

    That original research again…..thanks Dan, and Jason..inspirational stuff. !


    Enjoy ….this one seems significantly more powerful and a bit cheaper to make !



    March 20, 2011 at 8:08 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 17

    Cloud walker, what other orgone device that you have at home?

    Water CB is not effective at Surabaya. At least that is what I see on the water CB owner, Akiong, sky. Currently waiting for Akiong or Dan Daum to aid Akiong to fix it.

    March 21, 2011 at 12:11 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    Sucahyo at March 21, 2011 at 12:11 AM


    Cloud walker, what other orgone device that you have at home?

    Water CB is not effective at Surabaya. At least that is what I see on the water CB owner, Akiong, sky. Currently waiting for Akiong or Dan Daum to aid Akiong to fix it.

    Hi Sucahyo,

    I have another  standard Croft CB 100m within each other CB , may be when there are three CBs , its effect multiply ? I also have a 118 at home, I used to sleep over it :lol:, but its hard to clean the floor, now I hang it on the wall.

    Now the sky seems to become playground for the syphs:)

    The TBs inside the WCB was made of basic aluminium particles/resin and a layer (5mm) iron oxide/resin. standard quartz crystals.

    March 21, 2011 at 4:09 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Cloud Walker…I threw together a quick makeshift  WCB after being impressed with yours..and Dan’s research… Single pipe model, the only pipe I  could lay my hands on at the scrap metal recyclers….not cheap either at $8 a kilo…mmm..just two joiners cost $15 each and not stable at all..needs tacking




    So the pipe rests on the bottom of the bucket and has double wrap of insulation tape which is temporary..needs better technique and solid template to raise and hold the pipe vertically….will try with single piece without the joiner…too.

    Quite surprising… the WCB give a strong pleasant orgone field, noteable from about 2 metres…good stuff.. every time I walk out the door, I get a pleasant blast… ha ha !



    March 21, 2011 at 6:49 PM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 17

    Thank you Cloud walker, I am curious why you don’t have sylph sky already.

    Do you intent to let it work continuously? I am interested to know if there will be any change / degradation after a week or a months of use.

    Great results Monsoon :).

    March 21, 2011 at 9:53 PM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    I will keep the WCB as it is for observation, and report later. May be I will add a aquarium pump later if performance deteriate.

    MG, thank you for posting the nice photo report.

    Are you trying to outdo me with a bigger pipe ? :)

    MG is pos energy junky , addicted to positive orgone, thats why he can’t stop pouring orgonite:)

    March 22, 2011 at 5:47 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 17

    Thank you Cloud Walker, I will look forward for the result .:)

    March 22, 2011 at 10:42 PM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Yo, Cloud Walker….Mines not as big as yours now….took the top pipe off…Wasn’t very stable…the joiner was crap….good news is, it seems to be just as strong…can still feel strong orgone field within a couple of metres. Height projected into atmosphere ?  Don;t know.

    Perhaps a few smaller single pipe WCB’s instead of 2 tall ones ?

    Orgone junky ..you bet… totally addicted.

    Made another batch of plasterite with a class today…They loved it, especially something different from the mundane…each student took 2 or 3 pieces home…Plaster, beachsand, seashells , paramagnetic rock chips. salt and a few drops of nag champa oil……..They were all excited and interested….top shelf job..ha ha

    March 23, 2011 at 9:20 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    My WCB shut down after progessive rain about an inch or 25mm collected in the base of the sealed  pipe…..no more induction !

    Will wait till sun’s out..next pour and dip hollow pipe in resin to a depth about 6 inches …several times… Should insulate the base of pipe, inside and out,  to create induction principle.

    New Mate , Gifter , from Orgonite Plus , sent me info and photo of his latest

    WCB’s …mega jobs ..He says…very strong orgone fields from these beauties….and chemtrails don’t stick , even heavy spraying.


    The big silver pipes…stovepipe…gal-steel…$5 a length…mmm..I wish..

    His photo is excellent giving techniques to use… There’s a heap of Orgonite in the Tubs too.

    The pipes on all CB’s Is the most expense…Get what you can.

    Half 44 gallon drum and he said he had aquarium pump to circulate water and didn’t freeze…..all these WCB’s quite inspirational…pump orgone fields big time…. bring on the dry season…ready to play.

    You’ll have to go to OrgonitePlus for all the ongoing research..

    April 2, 2011 at 10:00 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53


    Hi Everyone.


    This is Dan from Bali.

    I noticed that Jason had started this Water CB thread here so decided to sign up and post a couple of pictures of my two:



    I built the one on the right first and used copper for no other reason than I had the pipes lying around the workshop.

    The bottom ends of the pipes are sealed with plastic and insulated with duct tape.

    The pipes are set about 3 inches into the water which gives for a very natural sky (unlike the ‘blue hole’ burn-out that one sometimes gets from a grounded Croft CB).


    On clear days; the sky is filled with glorious Sylphs and on cloudy days the sky is graced with towering cumulus and gentle easy rain.




    I put the aluminium-piped Water CB together just recently and I use it to experiment with.

    Right now its pipes extend down to the water but sit in plastic pipes that are set about 3 inches into the water.

    As plastic is non-conductive; they don’t need to be sealed or insulated in any way.



    This idea is taken from Reich’s pioneering Cloudbuster (as indeed is the Water CB itself) which used flexible rubber hoses to conduct the DOR to the ‘grounding’ water.

    It works fine and solves a lot of the messing around with insulating the lower portion of the pipes.


    As with both the Reich Cloudbuster and the Croft CB; pipe length has some bearing on the distance that DOR is drawn from the sky and the aluminum one, being taller, seems to clear the upper atmosphere extremely well.

    I have no recommendations as yet on pipe diameter but both mine use 1 inch pipe.


    It was discovered the other day that a few well-placed TBs on the floor of the bucket work better than half a bucket full of randomly placed orgonite.

    I placed six TBs on the bottom of the bucket; each directly beneath the ends of the pipes above and it works very strongly.


    Another strong enhancement is circulating the water with an electric water pump although exactly why this works so well remains something of a mystery.


    Considering their transmutation power; these CBs are ridiculously easy to put together and pretty much anything works to a greater or lesser extent.



    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 7, 2011 at 5:19 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    None of the pictures appeared on this post.

    Messing around trying to get them to display; the ‘edit period’ timed out and now I can’t even edit my post.

    How do you post pictures on this forum?


    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 7, 2011 at 5:44 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Great stuff Rainmaker.. welcome Dan…and most of all, thankyou for sharing this new WCB technique…just outstanding energy fields compared to standard CB……

    To post photos if using photobucket…this forum only accepts HTML code.

    April 7, 2011 at 7:22 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 17

    Some people believe that James Demeo is a liar, but I wonder if the warning for alumunium and constantly refreshed water is a lie too? This bellow I think highly related to CB.

    James Demeo – The Orgone Accumulator Handbook

    page 61:(
    One last set of considerations. Accumulators should never be used inside mobile homes or houses with aluminum skin or side paneling. Aluminum imparts a life-negative characteristic to the orgone energy, and it is advisable not to live inside such a structure even if an accumulator is not built or stored there.

    page 76:
    It is essential that the grounding water be clean, unpolluted, and circulating or moving. It must be constantly refreshed, even if only by a trickle of fresh water. A bucket, sink, or bathtub can be used. The tubes should be made of galvanized steel or stainless steel, though the former is cheaper and easier to cut. Silver is also very good, but quite expensive. The tubes must be hollow, without dust or dirt on the interior. One end of each tube must be completely immersed into the water, and a number of tubes should be used. They may have a plastic coating on the outside.

    page 105
    – Q:. These accumulating devices are quite simple to construct. Aren’t a lot of them accidentally constructed?
    A: A lot of “accumulators” are being constructed, without knowledge of the people involved. Every mobile home or house with a metal skin or side paneling will accumulate a charge, and a toxic one if aluminum is used. Oranur, and other toxic effects appear to readily occur in such houses, which are filled with all the modern orgone disturbing electromagnetic appliances, such as TV sets, microwave ovens, fluorescent lights, and so forth. Epidemiological studies that would address these general observations have never been performed.

    – Q: I have an old styrofoam beverage cooler. Can I line it with aluminum foil and make an accumulator?
    A You can try this, but don’t expect any firm results unless you comprehend and take into consideration virtually all of the procedures and warnings given in this Handbook. Styrofoam and aluminum are life-negative accumulating materials. If you run a biological experiment, you may wind up demonstrating only a life negative effect. For the scientist interested in orgone energy, these considerations are even more crucial and cannot be ignored.

    April 7, 2011 at 11:33 PM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    For some reason this site doesn’t allow users to edit their own posts after the 10 minute window of opportunity has passed so I’m posting the pictures separately:

    Here’s the picture of my Water CBs:


    Here’s the picture of the sky that failed to appear in my last post:


    And here’s the diagram of the aluminium Water CB showing its plastic pipe couplers between the metal draw-pipes and the water:


    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 8, 2011 at 12:36 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 17

    What time was that picture taken?

    April 8, 2011 at 1:30 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    Welcome Rainmaker, and thank you for sharing all the nice tips to improve WCB, yesterday I slide six crystals crystal in the tubes , and there is no improvement on performance . Rain water inside the tubes did reduce the performance somewhat. I will dip the tubes in resin as sugest by MG .
    April 8, 2011 at 8:24 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    Hi Sucahyo,

    I would not worry too much about what James Demeo said about aluminium, think about it, so many energy sensitive gifters around the world have make orgonite out of aluminium and I have not heard one complaint about TB or HHG generate any toxic effect ?

    I think James studied and accept Reich’s teaching almost as a believe system(religion) to him.

    April 8, 2011 at 8:38 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    I plan to add a Joecell to the WCB, I believe this will improve the performance for sure.

    I remember a few years ago, when I “condition” my Joecell by running DC current between the inner tube and the outer tube.  I felt awful, lots of DOR was generated.

    For those who have not heard of Joecell, it consist of at least three concentric stainless steel tubes, to condition the cell , I put the three concentric SS tubes in water and put DC (12 V or higher) across the inner and the outer tube. Basically I was electrolysing water, break H2O into H2 and O. and this process create enormous amount of DOR.  Now if we have orgonite in the water, this would make the ultimate broadcaster , I am looking forward to my trip to the scrap metal dealer for stainless steel tubes.

    April 8, 2011 at 9:07 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    Cloud Walker at April 8, 2011 at 8:24 AM


    Welcome Rainmaker, and thank you for sharing all the nice tips to improve WCB, yesterday I slide six crystals crystal in the tubes , and there is no improvement on performance . Rain water inside the tubes did reduce the performance somewhat. I will dip the tubes in resin as sugest by MG .

    Hi Jason.
    Good to hear that you’re experimenting to further improve the Water CB (as indeed Reich did with his original pre-orgonite version).
    As I mentioned before; the two devices both follow very similar etheric principles.
    Each consists of hollow metal tubes that ‘draw’ the DOR from the sky and dump in into water (it seems that the water is fundamental to this process) and unlike the Croft CB; Reich’s Cloudbuster didn’t claim to put any POR back into the sky.
    Even though we neutralise the DOR in the water using orgonite; it’s debatable whether POR is actually sent into the sky (more likely the etheric field returns to pristine health in the absence of the debilitating EMR).
    Crystals in the tubes were absolutely necessary to the functioning of the Croft CB because there was no crystal material in the orgonite mix in Don’s original recommendations.
    The pipes acted as ‘wave-guides’ (as do the tubes of the RCB) and the device stops altogether when the power of the crystals are eventually spent.
    The Induction CB is just a big TB with insulated pipes set in it.
    The crystals in the orgonite mix convert the DOR (which is concentrated in the matrix by the insulated shavings) and the pipes act as antenna; can be capped against the intrusion of rainwater and don’t even need to be hollow.
    Interestingly enough; a gifted tower has all the elements of an ICB.
    Adding crystals to the pipes of a Water CB is unlikely to make any difference as the pipes only draw the DOR down from the sky.
    The clever stuff happens in the water with our orgonite.
    Still water seems to work less well than moving water.
    Reich found this and so have we (although the reasons remain something of a mystery).
    It could be that moving water is also ‘Living Water’ (in Schauberger terms) and takes on additional properties of orgonie transfer and general etheric good health.
    Von Reichenbach found that water running underground actually generates POR (or ‘Od’ as he called it then) and it may be that the motion of the water in the Water CB bucket also generates POR in a similar manner.
    It is thought that it is the strength of this POR-generation that Dowsers are looking for when determining a good place to dig a well.
    It could also be (as you suggested, Jason) that the electrical aquarium pump in the bucket acts as a very efficient Broadcaster.
    This theory could be tested by circulating the water in the Water CB in a non-electrical way to see if it still improves the performance of the device.
    Looking forward with interest to the results of your Joe Cell experiments in due course.

    April 8, 2011 at 6:06 PM
    Forum Home > Orgonite Development, Research and New Ideas > Water Cloudbuster


    Posts: 17

    Cloudwalker, I am worry if alumunium actually attract chemcloud which happen to be alumunium based too. If you guys still having chemcloud problem even after putting out many CB, I think we should consider this possibility.

    Is there a comparison between alumunium free implementation and alumnium based one on a town with chemcloud problem yet?

    Joe Cell can work in two mode, inflow and outflow. Inflow said to attract fog and draw rain, and the mode where car can run without fuel. Outflow cause headace. From what I read, the water need to be conditioned with 1 amp hour charge and then the cell is tapped three times on the postive and leaved without power.

    I think yours work in outflow that sensed as DOR. If you pair it with CB, I think you would enhance the DOR, more dangerous. I think you should try to make your Joe Cell work in inflow mode first, attract rain or fog or birds or something.

    I think you should replace your water with charged water, the one that you taste good and electrolize it with 1 amp for an hour or something and then see if you can get stage three and get inflow mode. I don’t have Joe Cell, this is only from what I read from experience of people who said to have run a car without fuel with Joe Cell.

    April 8, 2011 at 10:43 PM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    Sucahyo….more BS speculation…if you want to start your own thread on James Demeo or other…Do so. again..do not try to derail a running thread with your personal theory from your wider reading…

    Demeo does not make orgonite…neither do you  !..so why do you bother posting your unsubstantiated rubbish…you have no credibility on an orgonite forum..Once again…..orgonite is NOT an accumulater…wake up !

    Any one been to the David Icke Orgonite Experiment Forum, lately….It’s dead…perhaps the longest ever orgonite thread ever…killed off by Sucahyo, who continues to post his bullshit ….mind you , again, nothing to do with orgonite….People just stopped posting.

    I give you the one finger salute…

    April 9, 2011 at 1:26 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53


    I agree 100% with Monsoon Gecko’s comments.

    Please do not post on this forum again.

    Just go away.


    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 9, 2011 at 5:28 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 17

    I put all six orgonite in my office. They can not prevent chemcloud.

    Icke become dead because no one including the loud mouth one can actually post proof of their orgonite usefullness against chemcloud. They just talk big but can not even post simple photo or video showing their achievement.

    The silence in icke show that many are just talking big.

    Dan, in my effort to clean Surabaya from chemcloud, I see you as my enemy. I see Rungkut as my battle ground. It is not funny anymore if I ever see chemcloud spreading from Rungkut again in the future.

    April 10, 2011 at 12:31 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    Thanks for the background update on Sucahyo, MG.

    We should all ignore his post , either he need to grow up or he is a paid distrator to derail the orgonite gifting effort.


    April 10, 2011 at 3:36 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    I agree, CW.
    If nobody replies to Sucahyo’s posts; then with any luck he’ll just leave.
    The David Icke orgonite thread isn’t the only one he’s managed to kill.
    He’s brought a couple of Indonesian orgonite threads to a standstill too.
    Given that he hates orgonite and yet only targets orgonite forums; my feeling is that he has to be a paid disinfo’-creep whose goal is disrupting the orgonite gifting movement.
    This further degrades the credibility of his posts and we should ignore him henceforth.
    Now; perhaps we can get back to orgonite in general and Water CBs in particular.

    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 10, 2011 at 4:07 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    My Water CBs seem to remove and neutralize the DOR from the sky very efficiently.

    There was a sharp increase in the regular chem-spraying in response to the deployment of the WCBs but it’s cleared in double-quick time now.

    It sometimes used to take the ICB half a day to do what the WCB achieves in an hour.




    The healthy clouds in the area and light breezy feel to the atmosphere are testimony to the effectiveness of the system.


    There’s been a lot of steady rain these last two days; culminating in a torrential downpour yesterday afternoon which brought traffic in Denpasar to a virtual standstill.

    In sharp contrast to other areas of the country; there is little or no flooding in Bali.

    This is attributed to the positive nature of the rainwater which soaks easily into the ground.

    Negatively charged rainwater which fails to be absorbed into the soil breaks the banks of rivers causing severe flooding after even relatively mild rain.


    It is my hope that the Water CB may help with Australia’s twin problems of drought and flooding.




    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 10, 2011 at 8:43 PM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 17

    You guys are reckless. My involvement here is originally to try to give some responsibility sense to you guys, to give suggestion that I see proper. But it seems I fail.

    Cloud Walker, make sure you are CAREFULL when running your water CB continuously for weeks or months. If you start to see chemcloud, take it down and do something to clear the chemcloud, changing water or use your imagination. If you never see chemcloud, congratulation.

    Dan, I am really glad I IGNORE your suggestion saying that cemenite is a hoax. Even with your zero energy reading for cemenite, I can observe the effect. I can see chemcloud hole on top of my house even when I don’t have CB or orgonite in my house. Everyone having orgonite or even CB can not get this result surely still build it WRONG. Definitely reckless and halucinating.

    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

    Few weeks ago water CB can’t even prevent chemcloud from forming in Rungkut, and look more like it start the chemcloud in Rungkut. Akiong already claiming to have water CB running from January, and yet why I see chemcloud breeding at Rungkut in February and March?

    Can anyone here guarantee that there will be no chemcloud anymore on top of Rungkut with water CB existance there?

    April 10, 2011 at 10:31 PM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    Hi Again.

    I shot the following sequence yesterday morning.

    There was a lot of chem-spraying during the night and by morning the sky looked as though a bomb had hit it:


    Even as I type; I can imagine Sucahyo hopping up and down pointing at his monitor; eyes blazing like torches and steam screaming from his ears like a pair of whistling kettles shouting “Chemcloud!! Chemcloud!!”

    Actually there is no ‘Chemcloud present in any of these shots because Chemclouds are no more than a figment of his fevered imagination.


    There should have been another image before this one but I was taking my kid to school and missed the shot.


    All these images show is the way that the Sylphs work with the CB (Water CB in this case) to drain away the electromagnetic radiation from the sky so that the water vapor can re-form, accumulate as cloud and finally rain.






    This is the final image before it poured with rain.


    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 14, 2011 at 3:10 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    where I am there is no chemcloud problem in rural Australia, only the occasional spray(may be biological agents), the sylphs took care of it pretty quickly when its overhead, the sylphs still hang around :),  plenty of eagles and dragon flies too.

    I need to replace water once a week otherwise the performance deteriate. since I have no aquarium pump in the WCB. its no trouble for me , water hose just meters away.

    wet season suposed to finish here but overcast sky a daily event, yet I always see a blue hole above, I am quite happy with these WCB even I have to do the once a week maintainance. I will have to get a camera and learn how to post pictures:)

    April 14, 2011 at 8:02 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    Hi Jason.
    My point about ‘Chemclouds’ (although it’s a bit off the topic of Water CBs) is that they don’t seem to exist.
    The chemicals that they spray from chem-planes don’t form clouds; either immediately or over time.
    The main visible effect of chemspraying (beyond the initial white trail) is the way they tend to split the water molecules in the atmosphere into ions which appear as a white haze in the sky.
    In areas where the towers remain un-gifted; the electromagnetic and microwave radiation sustains this effect and prevents the molecules from re-forming as cloud.
    CBs drain off the EMR from the atmosphere and the natural clouds return against a deep blue sky.
    The fewer disassociated ions in the atmosphere; the deeper the blue of the sky.
    The Sylphs expedite the process; taking apart the chemicals in the atmosphere and returning the clouds which appear, by default, in their Sylph’s own shape.
    The feathery forms of the Sylphs set rows of little puffy clouds out which eventually drift off and join together as naturally-shaped Cumulus.
    In the process; observers could be forgiven for thinking that these strange dappled cloud patterns are produced by sinister forces and composed of weird chemicals (hence the ‘chemcloud’ supposition).
    Photographic sequences like the one I posted above show this process reasonably well but are a little tedious to compile.
    A time-lapse video sequence would be better.
    I hope you do get a camera and post some shots of the sky in your area.
    Stephen explained to me how this site only accepts HTML codes and I managed to get it right in the end.

    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    April 18, 2011 at 9:13 PM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    G’day all…here’s latest venture into WCB.

    The pipes were tripple dipped, allowing time to harden betrween dips.


    The half 44 gallon plastic drum holds heaps of water and orgonite.The large cone , originally for electricity broadcaster, some Hhg’s and Tb’s. The plastic zip ties stop the pipes slipping down.


    Up and running…Gives off nice orgone field…mmm…should have cleaned up that prep area..Ha ha………..Birds more active, virtually singing all day , with sylphs above.



    I like the idea, it can be dismantled for transport. would like to try it elsewhere as there is so much orgonite here. Also, was going to be a single pipe WCB, but I thought go for it…No reason why it couldn;t be 3 single pipe WCB’s later.  Still looking for cheap 12v pump to circulate the water..Dan quotes they work even better…


    May 13, 2011 at 9:53 PM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 11

    Hi everyone. I have just read the posts in this topic and I second emotion. I believe that orgonite gifting is a spiritual calling not to be meddled with wrong philosphies to oppose such a healing cause. I give ‘boosts’ to those who fight for this (like monsoon gecko and dan) and I hope that we foster growth inspiring others to do the same. More power  to us!
    May 14, 2011 at 2:22 PM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    G,day again…clear skies here, for almost a week now….quite a bit of smoke haze from all the fire-bugs burning off, but clears by next day due to large orgone canopy over Darwin region

    This morning, found a small 12v bilge pump in my boat stuff and set it up in the WCB to create water circulation…instant strong boost to orgone coming from the WCB. Went out to pouring table once the temperature got up to double dip a few orgonites from yesterday…All progressing smoothly when I looked up in surprise to see sylphs above…couple hours later the whole sky was filled….what a rush ! ..got me excited !

    Circulating the water certainly does improve orgone output of WCB.

    June 12, 2011 at 1:36 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    Hi Stephen.
    Yes; circulating the water really does boost the efficiency of the Water CB although the reason remains something of a mystery.
    Perhaps circulating water is ‘living water’ and conducts etheric energy better than dull, uninspired water does.
    It’s also been theorized that an electric pump in a WCB works as a powerful ‘broadcaster’ unit removing EMR from the electricity grid.
    If your pump is independent of the grid then this theory is likely proven wrong.
    The skies have been pretty clear in Bali too although the air is cooler than usual (especially in the early morning).
    This is the situation as appears on the weather images and seems to indicate significant influence from the HAARP facilities in Australia.
    There’s rain in the areas of Indonesia that lie outside the red line but precious little within.
    Until these major facilities are effectively neutralized; this situation is likely to prevail at the pleasure of their operators.

    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    June 12, 2011 at 9:01 PM Flag Quote & Reply

    Cloud Walker

    Posts: 44

    Rainmaker at April 8, 2011 at 6:06 PM


    Cloud Walker at April 8, 2011 at 8:24 AM


    Welcome Rainmaker, and thank you for sharing all the nice tips to improve WCB, yesterday I slide six crystals crystal in the tubes , and there is no improvement on performance . Rain water inside the tubes did reduce the performance somewhat. I will dip the tubes in resin as sugest by MG .

    Hi Jason.
    Good to hear that you’re experimenting to further improve the Water CB (as indeed Reich did with his original pre-orgonite version).
    As I mentioned before; the two devices both follow very similar etheric principles.
    Each consists of hollow metal tubes that ‘draw’ the DOR from the sky and dump in into water (it seems that the water is fundamental to this process) and unlike the Croft CB; Reich’s Cloudbuster didn’t claim to put any POR back into the sky.
    Even though we neutralise the DOR in the water using orgonite; it’s debatable whether POR is actually sent into the sky (more likely the etheric field returns to pristine health in the absence of the debilitating EMR).
    Crystals in the tubes were absolutely necessary to the functioning of the Croft CB because there was no crystal material in the orgonite mix in Don’s original recommendations.
    The pipes acted as ‘wave-guides’ (as do the tubes of the RCB) and the device stops altogether when the power of the crystals are eventually spent.
    The Induction CB is just a big TB with insulated pipes set in it.
    The crystals in the orgonite mix convert the DOR (which is concentrated in the matrix by the insulated shavings) and the pipes act as antenna; can be capped against the intrusion of rainwater and don’t even need to be hollow.
    Interestingly enough; a gifted tower has all the elements of an ICB.
    Adding crystals to the pipes of a Water CB is unlikely to make any difference as the pipes only draw the DOR down from the sky.
    The clever stuff happens in the water with our orgonite.
    Still water seems to work less well than moving water.
    Reich found this and so have we (although the reasons remain something of a mystery).
    It could be that moving water is also ‘Living Water’ (in Schauberger terms) and takes on additional properties of orgonie transfer and general etheric good health.
    Von Reichenbach found that water running underground actually generates POR (or ‘Od’ as he called it then) and it may be that the motion of the water in the Water CB bucket also generates POR in a similar manner.
    It is thought that it is the strength of this POR-generation that Dowsers are looking for when determining a good place to dig a well.
    It could also be (as you suggested, Jason) that the electrical aquarium pump in the bucket acts as a very efficient Broadcaster.
    This theory could be tested by circulating the water in the Water CB in a non-electrical way to see if it still improves the performance of the device.
    Looking forward with interest to the results of your Joe Cell experiments in due course.

    Hi Dan,

    I just came out of my ‘hybernation’ for about a week, had a good long break working on the inner growth.

    any way….

    I put the Joecell inside the WCB, and then run the DC current through the joecell tubes, to my surprise , I did not pick up any  additional POR , instead I felt aweful. so my broadcast theory was wrong.

    I don’t think I want to electrolyse water again,  I become more energy sensitive after many days of intensive meditation.

    The other day Stephen gave me an water charging plate (with life pillow material and acorn shell), it really gives off a very strong but very  pleasant energy, he got a excellent product here!

    August 5, 2011 at 7:42 AM Flag Quote & Reply


    Posts: 53

    Hi Everyone.
    This is a further enhancement to the WCB that actually makes a lot of sense.
    The basic WCB idea is an adaptation of the Reich CB which uses the properties of a living water source to draw DOR from the sky.
    We can make this happen in a bucket because (unlike Reich) we have Orgonite to neutralize the DOR drained from the sky.
    Nevertheless; the ‘living water’ seems to remain a vital part of the equation and it’s what makes the Water CB different from a simple Induction CB.
    This is evidenced by the fact that by circulating the water in the bucket; the device works more strongly than with the water sitting still.
    Schauberger pointed out that running water through straight watercourses made it go to sleep (or die of boredom) and its extraordinary properties faded one by one until it was just another unremarkable liquid.
    However, if the water was allowed to run in a natural watercourse; it properties were retained and enhanced until it was capable of conducting energies on many levels.
    If we are asking Water to form the transfer matrix in a WCB; we should allow it to regenerate some of its properties while in our care and not subject it to the sensory deprivation of sitting still and dark in the bottom of a plastic bucket for weeks on end.
    To this end; I put a length of plastic hose on the out nozzle of the water pump and set it running through a funnel, creating a vortex before dropping back into the bucket in an incidental ‘chaos pool’.
    Photobucket Photobucket
    The WCB immediately started working more powerfully and within two hours; we had the first rain in many weeks.
    Since then; the skies have been consistently more cloudy than they have been for a long time and the general temperature of the air has dropped noticeably.
    I set up a rather more complicated version for my swimming pool and achieved the clearest water I’ve ever seen. The water is beautiful to swim in too; much softer than before and even more buoyant. Photobucket In addition to this; all the plants and trees in the garden seem to be growing more vigorously suggesting something much more profoundly energetic is happening to the entire area.

    http://www.baligifter.org/   http://www.baligifter.org/blog/

    October 2, 2011 at 4:31 AM Flag Quote & Reply

    monsoon gecko

    Posts: 595

    This new style of WCB appears worth a trial …. the key being alkaline water



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