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    Shaman Tony – Spirits – Irish Radio

    In the first hour I played a prerecorded interview with Tony Geron. “Lover of God, family, and country, Shaman Tony Geron has explored in this life, things both seen and unseen. Eternal student of nature and Spirit, Tony has been a Medicine Man / Healer / Shaman for nearly 30 years.
    Studied under Shaman Jacques Juarez for nearly 10 years, and was introduced to Orgonite and Plasterite creations, and the recognition of consciousness in all things. Father of six children and Grandfather to four, Tony spends his last few years of work before retirement working on his first book and tinkering with song craft for his first love, music.”

    The subjects covered were Tools of Light (Plasterite, Orgonite, Dowsing), Spiritual Healing vs Energy Healing, Ancient Technology and the Tartarian Empire,Beings (Shadow People, Fairies, Entities, Demons).

    We sadly ran out of time for much of where we going in our interview; so, I will be inviting Tony back very soon to continue our chat!

    These talks were originally broadcaster on Irish Radio with Host Sean Maguire.