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    Anti Estrogenic Antidotes
    Because of the overloading of the endocrine and lymphatic system of estrogen three has been a number of reproductive cancers occurring at a higher then normal rate…..if you look up the stats this didn’t happen til the 60’s when cancers of all types started to become more apparent in the USA and Canada…. What changed? The exposure to pesticides had definitely increased, the exposure to toxic pollutants had definitely increased, the removal of foods from the diet which were maligned to be a problem but in fact were not, and new food and dietary guidelines were introduced that were in fact cancer causing, such as soy and margarine, food additives and chemical preservatives, plastics that contained foods and detergents which are xeno-estrogenic characteristics. This means these are synthetic estrogens that will in fact react the same way as plant estrogens but in a higher concentrated levels that will bind to what are known as receptor sites ….these are areas of the body that are triggered by hormones and enzymes which cause a chemical reaction or trigger a signal in the body to perform whatever function that is required. These estrogens coming from with out, are extremely dangerous because of the way they accumulate in the body, and the reaction they cause in the body. In the case of estrogen it will lead to cancer, there are over 50 years of research an data to validate this, and to this day the end result has been the same since we have introduced highly estrogenic foods into the diet, males are becoming more mentally and physically dysfunctional, and women are breaking down more rapidly then there predecessors did. By being exposed to dish soap, latex, fuel oils, carpeting, clothing , fabric softeners, clothing made with synthethics, exhaust fumes from all petro products, including the Idea of biodiesel or bio fuels, this to will exacerbrate a bad condition already existing, and will compound the effect that much more…
    So how do we heal this condition? How do we reverse the effect? Can we reverse the effect ?…there are herbs, supplements, and vitamins that actually regulate estrogen and remove the excess out of the body, via liver. And through other means of expulsion from the body. There are foods we can eat as well as foods to avoid that will assist us in the regulating of the overloading of the hormones in our system. I will give a list of foods herbs and supplements that will assist in this endeavor to keep us hormonally balanced :….Some of these will be used as a tea, others will be consumed and others used as a supplement….and in some cases used together to remove whatever is afflicting us hormonally….
    Herbs that can assist in the removal of estrogen from the body
    Celery Root
    Siberian Ginseng
    Gota Kola
    Milk Thistle
    Lady’s Thistle
    Summer and Winter Savoury
    Ginger and Galangal
    Balm of Gilead ( balsam poplar )
    Olive Leaf
    Supplements that will remove estrogen or block it’s effect
    L Cysteine
    Foods that can remove or block estrogen:
    Omega 9 oils
    Rice Bran Oil
    Wheat Germ Oil
    Citrus fruits ( Bioflavonoids )
    Oats and Barley ( Whole )
    Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts
    Onion Sprouts
    Kohl Rabi
    Celery Root
    Grass fed Animals ( grain fed will encourage hormone imbalancing due to the excess of omega 6 in the fat rather then 3 ( grass fed cows have 15 times more omega 3 then fish )
    Ocean caught fish ( make sure you increase garlic or sulfur based supplement with Vitamin C to offset any potential mercury or lead poisoning of the fish.
    Ground flax seed ( due to the fibre content of the lignans which will bind to the estrogens ) Make sure you grind it fresh not store bought
    Herbal Teas
    Any tea that will support the liver and the endocrine system should be used to assist in the removal of any unwanted toxin or increase the antioxidant levels so that the body is able to be more efficient in the removing of unwanted pathogens or hormones
    Schizandra berry
    Fo Ti Eng
    Rehmannia Root
    Milk thistle
    White Pine
    Siberian ginseng
    Make sure all teas are drunk without any processed sugar or artificial sweetners…Use Xylitol from birch trees or Unpasteurized honey
    ®®RAW MILK ( not pasteurized ) due to the CLA and Vitamin D content
    ®®Grass fed Cow’s Butter
    ®®Seed and Nut Milk
    ®®Almonds ( due to the phosphorous in it to assist the liver in detoxing the estrogens out)
    ®®Walnuts ( omega 3 which block estrogen conversion of omega 6 )
    ®®Pumpkin Seed ( due to the zinc content in regulating hormones )
    Modulation of aromatase activity by diet polyphenolic compounds.
    J Agric Food Chem. 2006 May 17;54(10):3535-40
    Authors: Monteiro R, Azevedo I, Calhau C
    Estrogens are involved in physiological actions related to reproduction, body fat distribution, and maintenance of bone mass and are also related to the pathogenesis of estrogen-dependent cancers. The aim of this work was to study the effect of polyphenols on estrogen synthesis. The effect of polyphenols and polyphenolic-rich beverages on aromatase activity was tested in JAR cells (a choriocarcinoma cell line) through the tritiated water release assay. Some of the tested polyphenols inhibited estrogen production, chrysin being the most potent. Additionally, we observed that red wine, alcohol-free red wine, green tea, and black tea (200 microL/mL) significantly decreased aromatase activity. No effect on aromatase expression, as assessed by western blotting and RT-PCR, has been detected after 24 h of treatment with any of the flavonoids under study. In conclusion, polyphenols are able to modulate aromatase activity and, consequently, estrogen synthesis. The knowledge of such interference may help to clarify some of the biological properties attributed to polyphenols and may be useful in prevention/treatment of estrogen-dependent disorders.
    PMID: 19127721 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
    Anti Aromatasing Plants and Herbs
    Plant parts with Aromatase-inhibitor Activity
    from the chemical OLEANOLIC-ACID
    Achyranthes aspera BLUME — Chaff Flower; found in Plant
    Achyranthes bidentata BLUME — Chaff Flower; found in Fruit
    Akebia quinata (THUNB.) DECNE — Chocolate Vine; found in Stem
    Allium cepa L. — Onion, Shallot; found in Bulb
    Allium sativum var. sativum L. — Garlic; found in Plant
    Apocynum cannabinum L. — Bitterroot, Spreading Dogbane; found in Root
    Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) SPRENGEL — Bearberry, Uva Ursi; found in Plant
    Calendula officinalis L. — Calendula, Pot-Marigold; found in Flower
    Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. DON — Madagascar Periwinkle, Rosy Periwinkle; found in Plant
    Centaurium erythraea RAFN. — Centaury; found in Plant
    Chenopodium album L. — Lambsquarter; found in Plant
    Citrullus colocynthis — Colocynth; found in Plant
    Cnicus benedictus L. — Blessed Thistle; found in Plant
    Cornus officinalis SIEB. & ZUCC. — Chinese Dogwood; found in Seed
    Cyperus rotundus L. — Nutsedge; found in Tuber
    Daemonorops draco BL. — Dragon’s Blood; found in Fruit
    Elaeagnus pungens THUNB. — Thorny Silver Berry; found in Leaf
    Eleutherococcus senticosus (RUPR. & MAXIM.) MAXIM. — Ci wu jia (Pinyin), Eleuthero Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Spiny Ginseng, Wu jia; found in Root
    Eriobotrya japonica (THUNB.) LINDL. — Loquat; found in Leaf
    Forsythia suspensa VAHL — Lian-Jiao, Lien-Chiao; found in Fruit
    Glechoma hederacea L. — Alehoof; found in Plant
    Harpagophytum procumbens (BURCH.) DC. EX MEISN. — Devil’s Claw, Grapple Plant; found in Root
    Hedera helix L. — Ivy; found in Leaf
    Helianthus annuus L. — Girasol, Sunflower; found in Flower
    Humulus lupulus L. — Hops; found in Stem
    Hyssopus officinalis L. — Hyssop; found in Plant
    Lavandula latifolia MEDIK. — Aspic, Broad-Leaved Lavender, Spike Lavender; found in Leaf
    Leonurus cardiaca L. — Motherwort; found in Plant
    Ligustrum japonicum THUNB. — Japanese Privet, Ligustri Fructus; found in Fruit
    Ligustrum lucidum W. T. AITON — Chinese Privet, Glossy Privet, Ligustri Fructus, Privet, White Waxtree; found in Fruit
    Liquidambar orientalis MILLER — Oriental Storax, Oriental Styrax; found in Resin, Exudate, Sap
    Liquidambar styraciflua L. — American Styrax, Sweetgum; found in Resin, Exudate, Sap
    Luffa aegyptiaca MILLER — Luffa, Smooth Loofah, Vegetable Sponge; found in Seed
    Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) L. — Cajeput; found in Plant
    Melissa officinalis L. — Balm, Bee Balm, Lemonbalm, Melissa; found in Shoot
    Mentha spicata L. — Hortela da Folha Miuda, Spearmint; found in Leaf
    Mentha x rotundifolia (L.) HUDSON — Applemint; found in Tissue Culture
    Myristica fragrans HOUTT. — Mace, Muskatnussbaum (Ger.), Nutmeg, nogal moscado (Sp.), nuez moscada (Sp.); found in Seed
    Myroxylon balsamum (L.) HARMS — Peru Balsam, Tolu Balsam; found in Plant
    Nerium oleander L. — Oleander; found in Plant
    Ocimum basilicum L. — Basil, Cuban Basil, Sweet Basil; found in Flower
    Ocimum suave WILLD. — Kenyan Tree Basil; found in Leaf
    Olea europaea subsp. europaea — Olive; found in Petiole
    Origanum majorana L. — Marjoram, Sweet Marjoram; found in Plant
    Origanum vulgare L. — Common Turkish Oregano, European Oregano, Oregano, Pot Marjoram, Wild Marjoram, Wild Oregano; found in Plant
    Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER — Chinese Ginseng, Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, Oriental Ginseng; found in Root
    Panax japonicus C.A.MEYER — Japanese Ginseng; found in Rhizome
    Panax quinquefolius L. — American Ginseng, Ginseng; found in Plant
    Phytolacca americana L. — Pokeweed; found in Root
    Plantago major L. — Common Plantain; found in Leaf
    Plectranthus amboinicus (LOUR.) SPRENGEL — Amboini Coleus, Country Borage, Cuban Oregano, French Thyme, Indian Borage, Mexican Mint, Soup Mint, Spanish Thyme; found in Plant
    Prunella vulgaris L. — Heal-All, Self-Heal; found in Plant
    Prunus cerasus L. — Sour Cherry; found in Fruit
    Psidium guajava L. — Guava; found in Leaf
    Quisqualis indica L. — Rangoon Creeper; found in Fruit
    Rosmarinus officinalis L. — Rosemary; found in Plant, Shoot
    Salvia officinalis L. — Sage; found in Leaf, Stem
    Salvia sclarea L. — Clary Sage; found in Plant
    Salvia triloba L. — Greek Sage; found in Plant
    Sambucus nigra L. — Black Elder, Elder, European Alder, European Elder, European Elderberry; found in Bark, Leaf
    Satureja hortensis L. — Summer Savory; found in Plant
    Satureja montana L. — Savory, Winter Savory; found in Plant
    Syzygium aromaticum (L.) MERR. & L. M. PERRY — Clove, Clovetree; found in Flower
    Thymus serpyllum L. — Creeping Thyme; found in Plant
    Thymus vulgaris L. — Common Thyme, Garden Thyme, Thyme; found in Plant
    Uncaria tomentosa DC — Cat’s Claw, Garabato Amarillo, Una de Gato; found in Plant
    Vaccinium corymbosum L. — Blueberry; found in Plant
    Vaccinium myrtillus L. — Bilberry, Dwarf Bilberry, Whortleberry; found in Leaf
    Viburnum prunifolium L. — Black Haw; found in Bark
    Viscum album L. — European Mistletoe; found in Resin, Exudate, Sap
    Vitis vinifera L. — European Grape, Grape, Grapevine, Parra (Sp.), Vid (Sp.), Vigne Vinifere (Fr.), Weinrebe (Ger.), Wine Grape; found in Leaf Wax
    Zizyphus jujuba MILL. — Da-Zao, Jujube, Ta-Tsao; found in Plant
    Plant parts with Aromatase-inhibitor Activity
    from the chemical PINOSTROBIN
    Pinus strobus L. — Eastern White Pine, White Pine; found in Wood
    Plant parts with Aromatase-inhibitor Activity
    from the chemical URSOLIC-ACID
    Agrimonia eupatoria L. — Agrimony, Sticklewort; found in Plant
    Arbutus unedo L. — Arbutus, Strawberry Tree; found in Leaf
    Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) SPRENGEL — Bearberry, Uva Ursi; found in Leaf
    Artocarpus heterophyllus LAM. — Jackfruit; found in Root
    Catalpa bignonioides WALT. — Indian bean; found in Leaf
    Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. DON — Madagascar Periwinkle, Rosy Periwinkle; found in Leaf
    Chimaphila umbellata (L.) NUTT. — King’s Cure, Pipsissewa; found in Plant
    Cornus florida L. — American Dogwood; found in Plant
    Cornus officinalis SIEB. & ZUCC. — Chinese Dogwood; found in Fruit, Seed
    Crataegus cuneata SIEB. & ZUCC. — Hawthorn; found in Fruit
    Crataegus laevigata (POIR.) DC — English Hawthorn, Hawthorn, Whitethorn, Woodland Hawthorn; found in Leaf
    Cryptostegia grandifolia R. BR. — Rubber Vine; found in Leaf
    Elaeagnus pungens THUNB. — Thorny Silver Berry; found in Leaf
    Eriobotrya japonica (THUNB.) LINDL. — Loquat; found in Leaf
    Eucalyptus citriodora HOOK. — Citron-Scented Gum, Lemon Eucalyptus, Lemon-Scented Gum, Spotted Gum; found in Plant
    Forsythia suspensa VAHL — Lian-Jiao, Lien-Chiao; found in Fruit
    Gaultheria fragrantissima WALL. — Indian Wintergreen; found in Leaf
    Glechoma hederacea L. — Alehoof; found in Plant
    Helichrysum angustifolium DC. — Everlasting, Immortelle; found in Flower, Stem
    Humulus lupulus L. — Hops; found in Stem
    Hyssopus officinalis L. — Hyssop; found in Plant
    Ilex paraguariensis ST. HIL. — Mate, Paraguay Tea, South American Holly; found in Leaf
    Lavandula angustifolia MILLER — English Lavender; found in Leaf
    Lavandula latifolia MEDIK. — Aspic, Broad-Leaved Lavender, Spike Lavender; found in Leaf
    Leonurus cardiaca L. — Motherwort; found in Plant
    Ligustrum japonicum THUNB. — Japanese Privet, Ligustri Fructus; found in Fruit
    Limonia acidissima L. — Elephant Apple, Manzana De Elefante, Wood-Apple; found in Wood
    Lycopus europeus L. — European Bugle; found in Plant
    Malus domestica BORKH. — Apple; found in Fruit Epidermis
    Marrubium vulgare L. — Horehound, White Horehound; found in Plant
    Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) L. — Cajeput; found in Plant
    Melissa officinalis L. — Balm, Bee Balm, Lemonbalm, Melissa; found in Plant
    Mentha spicata L. — Hortela da Folha Miuda, Spearmint; found in Leaf
    Mentha x rotundifolia (L.) HUDSON — Applemint; found in Tissue Culture
    Monarda didyma L. — Beebalm, Oswego Tea; found in Leaf
    Nerium oleander L. — Oleander; found in Plant
    Ocimum basilicum L. — Basil, Cuban Basil, Sweet Basil; found in Flower, Leaf , Sprout Seedling , Stem
    Ocimum canum SIMS — Hoary Basil; found in Shoot
    Origanum majorana L. — Marjoram, Sweet Marjoram; found in Plant
    Origanum vulgare L. — Common Turkish Oregano, European Oregano, Oregano, Pot Marjoram, Wild Marjoram, Wild Oregano; found in Plant
    Plantago asiatica L. — Asian Plantain; found in Plant
    Plantago major L. — Common Plantain; found in Plant
    Plectranthus amboinicus (LOUR.) SPRENGEL — Amboini Coleus, Country Borage, Cuban Oregano, French Thyme, Indian Borage, Mexican Mint, Soup Mint, Spanish Thyme; found in Plant
    Prunella vulgaris L. — Heal-All, Self-Heal; found in Plant
    Prunus cerasus L. — Sour Cherry; found in Fruit
    Prunus laurocerasus L. — Cherry Laurel; found in Leaf
    Prunus persica (L.) BATSCH — Peach; found in Leaf
    Prunus serotina subsp. serotina — Black Cherry, Wild Cherry; found in Leaf
    Psidium guajava L. — Guava; found in Leaf
    Punica granatum L. — Granado (Sp.), Granatapfelbaum (Ger.), Granatapfelstrauch (Ger.), Grenadier (Fr.), Mangrano (Sp.), Pomegranate, Romanzeiro (Port.), Zakuro (Jap.); found in Fruit, Leaf
    Pyrus communis L. — Pear; found in Fruit
    Rhododendron dauricum L. — Chinese Alpenrose; found in Plant
    Rhododendron ferrugineum L. — Rusty-Leaved Alpenrose; found in Leaf
    Rhododendron ponticum L. — Pontic Alpenrose; found in Leaf
    Rosmarinus officinalis L. — Rosemary; found in Plant, Shoot
    Rubus fruticosus — Blackberry; found in Plant
    Salvia officinalis L. — Sage; found in Leaf, Stem
    Salvia sclarea L. — Clary Sage; found in Plant
    Salvia triloba L. — Greek Sage; found in Plant
    Sambucus nigra L. — Black Elder, Elder, European Alder, European Elder, European Elderberry; found in Bark, Flower , Leaf
    Sanguisorba officinalis L. — Greater Burnet; found in Plant
    Satureja hortensis L. — Summer Savory; found in Leaf, Stem
    Satureja montana L. — Savory, Winter Savory; found in Plant
    Sorbus aucubaria L. — Rowan Berry; found in Fruit
    Syringa vulgaris L. — Lilac; found in Leaf
    Teucrium chamaedrys L. — Wall Germander; found in Plant
    Teucrium polium L. — Golden Germander; found in Plant
    Teucrium scordium — Water Germander; found in Plant
    Teucrium scorodonia L. — Germander, Wood Germander; found in Leaf
    Thevetia peruviana (PERS.) K. SCHUM. — Adelfa Amarilla (Sp.), Cabalonga (Sp.), Chirca (Sp.), Loandro-Amarelo (Port.), Luckynut, Oleandre Jaune (Fr.), Peruvian Yellow Oleander, Thevetie (Ger.), Yellow Oleander; found in Leaf
    Thymus serpyllum L. — Creeping Thyme; found in Plant
    Thymus vulgaris L. — Common Thyme, Garden Thyme, Thyme; found in Plant
    Uncaria tomentosa DC — Cat’s Claw, Garabato Amarillo, Una de Gato; found in Plant
    Vaccinium corymbosum L. — Blueberry; found in Plant
    Vaccinium myrtillus L. — Bilberry, Dwarf Bilberry, Whortleberry; found in Fruit, Leaf
    Vaccinium vitis-idaea var. minus LODD. — Cowberry, Lingen, Lingonberry; found in Fruit
    Verbena officinalis L. — Vervain; found in Plant
    Viburnum opulus subsp. var. opulus — Crampbark, European Cranberry Bush, Guelder Rose, Snowballbush; found in Fruit
    Viburnum prunifolium L. — Black Haw; found in Bark
    Vinca minor L. — Periwinkle, Running-Myrtle; found in Leaf, Plant
    Zizyphus jujuba MILL. — Da-Zao, Jujube, Ta-Tsao; found in Plant
    Plant parts with Aromatase-inhibitor Activity
    from the chemical SECOISOLARICIRESINOL
    Linum usitatissimum L. — Flax, Linseed; found in Plant
    Plant parts with Aromatase-inhibitor Activity
    from the chemical NARINGENIN
    Anacardium occidentale L. — Cashew; found in Seed
    Artemisia dracunculus L. — Tarragon; found in Shoot
    Camellia sinensis (L.) KUNTZE — Tea; found in Shoot
    Centaurea calcitrapa L. — Star-Thistle; found in Plant
    Citrus aurantium L. — Bitter Orange, Petitgrain; found in Plant
    Citrus paradisi MacFAD. — Grapefruit; found in Fruit
    Citrus sinensis (L.) OSBECK — Orange; found in Pericarp
    Equisetum arvense L. — Field Horsetail, Horsetail; found in Plant
    Glycine max (L.) MERR. — Soybean; found in Leaf
    Glycyrrhiza glabra L. — Commom Licorice, Licorice, Licorice-Root, Smooth Licorice; found in Shoot
    Lippia graveolens HBK — Oregano; found in Root, Shoot
    Lycopersicon esculentum MILLER — Tomato; found in Fruit
    Monarda didyma L. — Beebalm, Oswego Tea; found in Plant
    Origanum vulgare L. — Common Turkish Oregano, European Oregano, Oregano, Pot Marjoram, Wild Marjoram, Wild Oregano; found in Plant
    Petroselinum crispum (MILLER) NYMAN EX A. W. HILLL — Parsley; found in Plant
    Prunus cerasus L. — Sour Cherry; found in Fruit
    Prunus persica (L.) BATSCH — Peach; found in Plant
    Silybum marianum (L.) GAERTN. — Lady’s Thistle, Milk Thistle; found in Fruit
    Thymus vulgaris L. — Common Thyme, Garden Thyme, Thyme; found in Plant
    Vigna radiata (L.) WILCZEK — Green Gram, Mungbean; found in Plant
    Plant parts with Aromatase-inhibitor Activity
    from the chemical LUTEOLIN