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    Source: Food Chemistry
    Volume 119, Issue 2, Pages 770-778
    “Polyphenol composition and in vitro antioxidant activity of amaranth, quinoa buckwheat and wheat as affected by sprouting and baking”
    Authros: L. Alvarez-Jubete, H. Wijngaard, E.K. Arendt, E. Gallagher
    Get either buckwheat or Quinoa or both and add ¼ cup of this in a blender—-let blend til you see the grain become powdery. Stop blender and sift the powder and the heavier pieces put back in the blender and repeat the process- Stop when you can no longer sift out anything refined and throw the left over in a garden or flower pot—do this repeatedly til you have enough baking flour from these grains—this can be done with buck wheat—quinoa—oat—barley or any grain you like —this can be used to make pancakes —just add eggs and baking soda and either a seed milk or water and proceed to mix and then cook—add fat as well so the bread or pancake will not be as dry—you can even mix powdered herbs in this mix to get even a better antioxidant profile or even fruit such as anything dried that you make—add yogurt or kefir to it as well with the flour and baking soda and even carrot powder you have left over from your carrot juice—add nuts and seeds to it that you powder down—the list is endless—Clean bread non GMO
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    Show of the week 2-22-2010
    Bad Testing By the Canadian Gov’t
    Scientists cross pigs with spinach
    Shell Oil Comments and Cell Phone Fires
    Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma
    India has put off the commercial cultivation of a GM aubergine due to safety concerns
    Grapefruit juice may boost CoQ10 uptake— Recipe
    Recipe Cq10
    Bad Testing By the Canadian Gov’t
    After three and a half years negotiating directly with Health Canada, NorthRegentRx has finally gone public.—As some of you are aware, our company was forced to recall our product ‘Libidus’ in September 2006.–NorthRegentRx, site licensed since 2005, one of very few companies that do ‘mandatory batch testing’ on all imported product through ALS Tech, knew even then that both the FDA and Health Canada were mistaken.— It took the better part of two years to get Access to Information files that not only showed mistakes made but most disturbingly, mistakes that were intentional.—After three and a half years this moment is vindication for not only our company but for those few stores that remained loyal to us during this incredibly difficult time.–For those of you who stood by our side and understood that Health Canada did this to choke our company on returns and remained patient, thank you.——For those of you who didn’t question why we would NOT move on, why it was important to stand and fight, thank you.—We want you to know that your loyalty at this time will not be forgotten.—Since the paper story hit on Friday, we’ve been inundated with press requests. The Winnipeg Sun will be doing an expose on our company and our battle against outright corrupt individuals and actions by Health Canada in this upcoming weekend’s edition.—As I’m sure you can understand, Health Canada has been working very hard to come up with a negotiation offer before these paper articles go to press.—The Liberals Health Critics office is also very concerned and wants to bring this to parliament.—For the remainder of stores in Canada that would not take the time to understand and appreciate the struggle and work it takes to legitimize a company, provide transparent batch tests and do so knowing some believe ‘herbal formulas’ are suspect, perhaps this might be the time to reconsider those notions.—Our Access To Information files have been handed over at this point to make sure that proper investigations of those responsible currently working for (and some currently in private practice) Health Canada are handled by the proper authorities. This will include some high profile organizations here in Canada for their role in this affair.—We’d like to thank James Bezan, MP Conservative, Selkirk, Manitoba. —James was one of the first to see the evidence and for sometime now has been literally screaming at high ranking Health Canada officials who, up until our public release of ATI files, were completely unwilling to accept wrong doing.—While this might not necessarily lead to us reintroducing Libidus on the marketplace… (we’ve been beaten up and discredited publically but we’re not dumb, we don’t expect the hassles to stop .—And again, those who have stayed with us during all this hassle and controversy will be the first to be thanked.
    A sincere thank you for staying with us!
    Jody W. Baxmeyer
    VP NorthRegentRx
    Toll Free 1-866-373-4368 ext 23.
    Site License 300387
    Scientists cross pigs with spinach —Thursday, 24 January, 2002, 22:23 GMT
    The GM pigs produced less fat than normal—Scientists in Japan say they have successfully implanted vegetable genes in a living animal for the first time. –Researchers at Kinki University near Osaka inserted genetic material from spinach into a pig, which they say will produce healthier pork. The experiment, which began several years ago, has yielded two generations of pigs with the spinach gene known as FAD2. –Research team leader Akira Iritani said the pigs with the spinach gene had produced less fat than normal. —“It is confirmed for the first time in the world that a plant gene is functioning properly in a living mammal, not in a cultured cell,” said Professor Iritani.
    Safety issues
    The experiment involved inserting the spinach gene into a fertilised pig egg, which was then implanted in a female pig’s womb to produce genetically modified piglets. —The FAD2 gene was found to convert about a fifth of the piglets’ saturated fatty acids into healthier linoleic acids. —Professor Iritani said he hoped to prove the genetically modified pork was safe to eat. “I know genetically modified food has met poor public acceptance, but I hope safety tests will be conducted to make people feel like eating [the GM pork] for the sake of their health,” he said. —Professor Iritani said only about 1% of GM piglets survived after being born, although breeding among GM pigs would ensure the spinach gene was passed on.
    Shell Oil Comments and Cell Phone Fires
    Safety Alert! Here’s some reasons why we don’t allow cell phones in operating areas, propylene oxide handling and storage area, propane, gas and diesel refueling areas.–The Shell Oil Company recently issued a warning after three incidents in which mobile phones (cell phones) ignited fumes during fueling operations—In the first case, the phone was placed on the car’s trunk lid during fueling; it rang and the ensuing fire destroyed the car and the gasoline pump.—In the second, an individual suffered severe burns to their face when fumes ignited as they answered a call while refueling their car!—And in the third, an individual suffered burns to the thigh and groin as fumes ignited when the phone, which was in their pocket, rang while they were fueling their car.—-You should know that: Mobile Phones can ignite fuel or fumes–Mobile phones that light up when switched on or when they ring, release enough energy to provide a spark for ignition—
    Mobile phones should not be used in filling stations, or when fueling lawn mowers, boat, etc.—Mobile phones should not be used or should be turned off, around other materials that generate flammable or explosive fumes or dust. (I.e., solvents, chemicals, gases, grain dust, etc.)
    To sum it up, here are the Four Rules for Safe Refueling:
    1) Turn off engine
    2) Don’t smoke
    3) Don’t use your cell phone – leave it inside the vehicle or turn it off
    4) Don’t re-enter your vehicle during fueling.
    Bob Renkes of Petroleum Equipment Institute is working on a campaign to try and make people aware of fires as a result of ‘static electricity’ at gas pumps. His company has researched 150 cases of these fires.—His results were very surprising:
    1) Out of 150 cases, almost all of them were women.
    2) Almost all cases involved the person getting back in their vehicle while the nozzle was still pumping gas. When finished, they went back to pull the nozzle out and the fire started, as a result of static.
    3) Most had on rubber-soled shoes.
    4) Most men never get back in their vehicle until completely finished. This is why they are seldom involved in these types of fires.
    5) Don’t ever use cell phones when pumping gas.
    6) It is the vapors that come out of the gas that cause the fire, when connected with static charges.
    7) There were 29 fires where the vehicle was re-entered and the nozzle was touched during refueling from a variety of makes and models. Some resulted in extensive damage to the vehicle, to the station, and to the customer.
    8) Seventeen fires occurred before, during or immediately after the gas cap was removed and before fueling began.
    Mr. Renkes stresses to NEVER get back into your vehicle while filling it with gas.—If you absolutely HAVE to get in your vehicle while the gas is pumping, make sure you get out, close the door TOUCHING THE METAL, before you ever pull the nozzle out. This way the static from your body will be discharged before you ever remove the nozzle.
    As I mentioned earlier, The Petroleum Equipment Institute, along with several other companies now, are really trying to make the public aware of this danger.
    India quashes GM aubergine plan
    India has put off the commercial cultivation of a GM aubergine due to safety concerns, despite getting the go-ahead from government scientists last year. –BT Brinjal was developed by Indian seed company Mahyco, a partner of Monsanto. More resistant to natural pests than regular aubergines, it would have been the world’s first GM vegetable. —But according to the BBC, the decision not to plough ahead with cultivation was taken by environment minister Jairam Ramesh, who said more studies are needed to be sure it is safe for both humans and the environment. —The question has divided public opinion in India, which cultivates some 2000 different varieties of aubergine. Anti-GM protestors taking to the streets dressed in aubergine suits. —Dr PM Salimath, director of research at the University of Agriculture Sciences in Dharwad in Karnataka state, who led the field trials, insists there is no danger, He argues that the same gene, Cry1Ac, has been used in corn, canola and soya for the past decade.
    Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma
    (OMNS Nov 9 2007) The most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, often responds to a remarkably simple, safe, at-home treatment: vitamin C. Physicians and patients report that vitamin C, applied directly to basal cell skin cancers, causes them to scab over and drop off. [1] Successful use involves a highly-concentrated vitamin C solution, directly applied to the blemish two or three times a day. Vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells, but does not harm healthy skin cells. This is also the basis for high-dose intravenous vitamin therapy for cancer. [2] Even higher concentrations of vitamin C can be obtained by direct application. The use of topical vitamin C to kill basal cell carcinoma has been known at least since 1971. Frederick R. Klenner, MD, wrote: “We have removed several small basal cell epithelioma with a 30 percent ointment” of vitamin C. [3] —One person, who reported that a 2mm diameter spot on the nose would not heal for months, had it disappear within a week with twice-daily concentrated vitamin C applications. Another patient reported that after dermatologist-diagnosed multiple spots of basal cell carcinoma were coated with vitamin C, the spots fell off within two weeks. [4] —Basal cell carcinomas are slow growing and it is rare for them to metastasize. This provides an opportunity for a therapeutic trial of vitamin C, provided one has proper medical diagnosis and follow-up. —Preparation of a water-saturated vitamin C solution is simple. Slowly add a small amount of water to about half a teaspoon of vitamin C powder or crystals. Use just enough water to dissolve the vitamin C. Using less water will make a paste. Either way, application with the fingertip or a cotton swab, several times daily, is easy. The water will evaporate in a few minutes and leave a plainly visible coat of vitamin C crystals on the skin. —-Consult your doctor before employing this or any other self-care treatment. A physician’s diagnosis is especially important, since other forms of skin cancer, such as melanoma, are faster growing and more dangerous. If the vitamin C treated area is not improved after a few weeks, a doctor should be consulted once again.
    [1] William Wassell, MD: Skin cancer and vitamin C. Cancer Tutor,
    [2] Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Meng X, Li Y, Jackson JA: Intravenous ascorbate as a tumor cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agent. Med Hypotheses 1995; 44: 207-2 13. and and also
    [3] Fredrick R. Klenner, MD: Observations on the dose and administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. Journal of Applied Nutrition Vol. 23, Nos 3 & 4, Winter 1971. and
    [4] Age spots, basal cell carcinoma and solar keratosis.
    Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine—Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:
    Grapefruit juice may boost CoQ10 uptake— Recipe
    A glass of grapefruit juice may improve intestinal absorption of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) by almost 50 per cent, says a new study from Japan.
    The juice appears to inhibit a protein in the membrane of cells called P-glycoprotein (P-gp), which thereby leads to an increased absorption of CoQ10, according to results of a laboratory study published in Food Chemistry.– “We have demonstrated that a higher cellular uptake of CoQ10 was achieved in the presence of grapefruit juice,” wrote the Japanese researchers, led by Ken Iseki from Hokkaido University. —The formulation of the CoQ10 is known to play a key role in its bioavailability. Since the coenzyme is lipophilic (fat-loving) its absorption is enhanced in the presence of lipids. Therefore, when taken as a supplement apart from meals, the absorption of some formulations is lower. —It is possible that co-administration of CoQ10 with grapefruit juice constitutes an easily accessible way to improve the intestinal absorption of CoQ10,” added Iseki and his co-workers. Grapefruit juice is well-known to interact with other compounds in the digestive system. Chemicals in juice and pulp of the fruit are reported to interfere with the enzymes that metabolise certain drugs in the digestive system, including statins to lower cholesterol. This results in potentially toxic quantities of drugs circulating in the blood. —The new study, however, suggests that grapefruit juice’s inhibiting effects may actually benefit CoQ10 absorption.
    CoQ10 has properties similar to vitamins, but since it is naturally synthesized in the body it is not classed as such. Our ability to synthesise the compound peaks at the age of 20 and amounts in our body decrease rapidly after we pass the age of 40. —With chemical structure 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decaprenyl-1,4-benzoquinone, it is also known as ubiquinone because of its ‘ubiquitous’ distribution throughout the human body. —The coenzyme is concentrated in the mitochondria – the ‘power plants’ of the cell – and plays a vital role in the production of chemical energy by participating in the production of adenosince triphosphate (ATP), the body’s co-called ‘energy currency’. —There is an ever-growing body of scientific data that shows substantial health benefits of CoQ10 supplementation for people suffering from angina, heart attack and hypertension. The nutrient is also recommended to people on statins to off-set the CoQ-depleting effects of the medication. Other studies have reported that CoQ10 may play a role in the prevention or benefit people already suffering from neurodegenerative diseases.
    Study details–The Japanese researchers used Caco-2 cells, a cell line used to model the lining of the human intestine. Cells were cultured in the presence of CoQ10 powder (10 micromoles, supplied by Kougen Co. Ltd.) and grapefruit juice (diluted to a concentration of 1 per cent, purchased from the Dole Food Company Inc., USA). Results showed that CoQ10 uptake in the presence of grapefruit juice was increased by almost 50 per cent. “These results indicate that the combined administration of CoQ10 and grapefruit juice could enhance CoQ10 absorption,” said the researchers. —-“Taking these findings into consideration, it is possible that co-administration of CoQ10 with grapefruit juice will be an easily accessible way to improve the pharmacological effects of CoQ10,” they added. —The researchers concluded that additional studies are required in order to investigate the pharmacological effects of CoQ10 when administration with grapefruit juice. “Such investigations will provide important information for improving the pharmacological effects of CoQ10,” concluded Iseki and his co-workers. —Source: Food Chemistry
    2010, Volume 120 (2010) 552–555“Grapefruit juice enhances the uptake of coenzyme Q10 in the human intestinal cell-line Caco-2” Authors: S. Itagaki, A. Ochiai, M. Kobayashi, M. Sugawara, T. Hirano, K. Iseki
    ^^^^^^^Recipe Cq10 —take a capsule of cq10 and mix it in your grapefruit juice and add a pinch of pepper with it —what happens is that the grapefruit will give you a 50 percent more absorption and the black pepper will increase the longevity of the Cq 10—In other words it will keep it in the system longer thereby offsetting health issues and increasing the longevity effect of cells in the body promoting immune stimulating —antiaging—and cellular support and mitochondrial energy ^^^^^^^
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    Show of the week Feb-26-2010
    Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Effects of Dandelion—RECIPE For Dandelion Mix
    Nobiletin—Suggested Solution and USE
    In vitro screening for the tumoricidal properties of international medicinal herbs
    Mutant Seeds For Mesopotamia Order 81
    Dandelion 1
    Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Effects of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Root and Leaf on Cholesterol-Fed Rabbits.
    Int J Mol Sci. 2010;11(1):67-78
    Authors: Choi UK, Lee OH, Yim JH, Cho CW, Rhee YK, Lim SI, Kim YC
    Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), an oriental herbal medicine, has been shown to favorably affect choleretic, antirheumatic and diuretin properties. Recent reports have indicated that excessive oxidative stress contributes to the development of atherosclerosis-linked metabolic syndrome. The objective of this current study was to investigate the possible hypolipidemic and antioxidative effects of dandelion root and leaf in rabbits fed with a high-cholesterol diet. A group of twenty eight male rabbits was divided into four subgroups; a normal diet group, a high-cholesterol diet group, a high-cholesterol diet with 1% (w/w) dandelion leaf group, and a high-cholesterol diet with 1% (w/w) dandelion root group. After the treatment period, the plasma antioxidant enzymes and lipid profiles were determined. Our results show that treatment with dandelion root and leaf positively changed plasma antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid profiles in cholesterol-fed rabbits, and thus may have potential hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects. Dandelion root and leaf could protect against oxidative stress linked atherosclerosis and decrease the atherogenic index.
    PMID: 20162002 [PubMed – in process]
    F F RECIPE for Dandelion Mix—take 1 bundle of dandelion leaf with 2 bundles of parlsey and 1 bundle of watercress—or nettle or any other greens you like—take and clean then—add to a blender in equal amounts and blend til purried or fused—then take and put through a handkerchief or cloth strainer—and repeat the process till all is used—can make 3-5 litres ( quarts ) and will hold for about 8-10 days
    Increasing evidence suggests that the elevation of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptides in the brain is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Onozuka H’s studies at Tohoku University, Japan, demonstrated that nobiletin, a polymethoxylated flavone from citrus peels,
    enhanced cAMP/protein kinase A/extracellular signal-regulated kinase/cAMP response element-binding protein signaling in cultured hippocampal neurons and ameliorated Abeta-induced memory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease model rats. Nobiletin was also shown to improve impaired memory in olfactory-bulbectomized mice. In addition, Nakajima A and co-workers at Tohoku University, Japan, demonstrated that nobiletin was able to rescue OBX-induced cholinergic neuro-degeneration, accompanied by improvement of impaired memory in OBX mice. These findings suggest that this natural compound has potential to become a novel drug for fundamental treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. [1]
    F F Nobiletin may have benefits of promoting joint health. Aggrecanase-1/a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin-like motifs (ADAMTS)-4 and
    aggrecanase-2/ADAMTS-5 have been shown to play crucial roles in cartilage destruction in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Imada K and co-workers found
    nobiletin interfered with the interleukin (IL)-1beta-mediated ADAMTS-4 and -5 mRNA expression in cultured human synovial fibroblasts. Furthermore, they also observed intraperitoneal administration of nobiletin suppressed ADAMTS-4 and
    -5 mRNA expression in the joint tissues of collagen-induced arthritic mice. [2] Murakami A and co-workers from Kyoto University, Japan, observed nobiletin significantly suppressed the reduction of whole bone mineral density in ovariectomized mice. [3]
    F F Nobiletin has been found to dose-dependently suppress the proliferation of human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 cells. It is very likely that nobiletin induced p53-mediated cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via modulated the Bax:Bcl-2 protein ratio. [4] The activation
    of mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK) is well known to be associated with tumor invasion and metastasis. Nobiletin has also shown to directly inhibit MEK activity and decrease the sequential phosphorylation of extracellular regulated kinases,
    exhibiting the antitumor metastatic activity by suppressing matrix metalloproteinase expression in human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 cells. [5]
    [1] Onozuka H, et al, Nobiletin, a citrus flavonoid, improves memory impairment and
    Abeta pathology in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. J Pharmacol
    Exp Ther. 2008 Sep;326(3):739-44. Epub 2008 Jun 10. [2] Imada K, et al,
    Nobiletin, a citrus polymethoxy flavonoid, suppresses gene expression and
    production of aggrecanases-1 and -2 in collagen-induced arthritic mice. Biochem
    Biophys Res Commun. 2008 Aug 22;373(2):181-5. Epub 2008 Jun 9. [3] Murakami
    A, et al Citrus nobiletin suppresses bone loss in ovariectomized ddY mice and
    collagen-induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice: possible involvement of receptor
    activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL)-induced osteoclastogenesis regulation.
    Biofactors. 2007;30(3):179-92. [4] Luo G, Guan X, Zhou L. Apoptotic effect of citrus
    fruit extract nobiletin on lung cancer cell line A549 in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Biol
    Ther. 2008 Jun;7(6):966-73. Epub 2008 Mar 21. [5] Miyata Y et al, A citrus
    polymethoxyflavonoid, nobiletin, is a novel MEK inhibitor that exhibits antitumor
    metastasis in human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
    2008 Feb 1;366(1):168-73. Epub 2007 Nov 29. [6] Nakajima A, et al, Nobiletin, a
    citrus flavonoid that improves memory impairment, rescues bulbectomy-induced
    cholinergic neurodegeneration in mice. J Pharmacol Sci. 2007 Sep;105(1):122-6.
    F F Suggested Solution and USE –
    If you want to get this you can either get it from clean tangerine peels( but they must not be sprayed with anything) orr you can get the essential oil of Tangerine which will have this in it as well as limonene —always mix with either a carrier oil or carrier sugar or in fluids or wine or brandy
    In vitro screening for the tumoricidal properties of international medicinal herbs.——Mazzio EA, Soliman KF. College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida 32307, USA.- F in vitro is performed not in a living organism but in a controlled environment, such as in a test tube or Petri dish
    There is growing use of anticancer complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) worldwide. The purpose of the current study is to assess a sizeable variety of natural and plant sources of diverse origin, to ascertain prospective research directives for cancer treatment and potential new chemotherapy drug sources. In this study, 374 natural extracts (10 microg/mL-5 mg/mL) were evaluated for dose-dependent tumoricidal effects using immortal neuroblastoma of spontaneous malignant origin. The findings indicate no pattern of tumoricidal effects by diverse plants with similar families/genus under the classes Pinopsida, Equisetopsida, Lycopodiosida, Filicosida, Liliopsida Monocotyledons or Magnoliopsida Dicotyledons. The results indicate that many of the most commonly used CAMs exhibited relatively weak tumoricidal effects including cats claw, astragalus, ginseng, echinacea, mistletoe, milk thistle, slippery elm, cayenne, chamomile, don quai, meadowsweet, motherwort and shepherd’s purse. The data demonstrate that the most potent plant extracts were randomly dispersed within the plantae kingdom (LC(50) = 31-490 microg/mL) in order of the lowest LC(50) Dioscorea villosa (Dioscoreaceae) ( Wild Yam ) > Sanguinaria canadensis (Papaveraceae) ( BLOOD ROOT )> Dipsacus asper (Dipsacaceae) > Populus balsamifera (Salicaceae) Balm of Gilead> Boswellia carteri ( Boswella or Myrrh ) (Burseraceae) > Cyamopsis psoralioides (Fabaceae) ( Guar Gum ) > Rhamnus cathartica (Rhamnaceae)( European Buckthorn ) > Larrea tridentate ( Chaparral ) (Zygophyllaceae) > Dichroa febrifuga (Hydrangeaceae) ( Hydrangea ) > Batschia canescens (Boraginaceae) ( Alkanet )> Kochia scoparia (Chenopodiaceae) ( Kochia)> Solanum xanthocarpum (Solanaceae)( Yellow Berried Nightshade ) > Opoponax chironium (Umbelliferae) ( Sweet Myrrh ) > Caulophyllum thalictroides (Berberidaceae) ( Blue Cohosh)> Dryopteris crassirhizoma (Dryopteridaceae) ( Cr0wn Wood Fern ) > Garcinia cambogia (Clusiaceae) > Vitex agnus-castus( Chaste Tree ) (Verbenaceae) > Calamus draco (Arecaceae). These findings show tumoricidal effect by extracts of —wild yam root, bloodroot, teasel root, bakuchi seed, dichroa root, kanta kari, garcinia fruit, mace, dragons blood and the biblically referenced herbs: balm of gilead bud, frankincense and myrrh gum. (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    Order 81, Iraq, and the Decimation of Traditional Seeds

    Mutant Seeds For Mesopotamia Order 81
    Iraqi farmers have been using farm-saved wheat and barley seeds for generations. In fact, the tradition goes back to at least 4000 BC, when irrigated agriculture first emerged, and probably to about 8000 BC, when wheat was first domesticated–One would think that Iraq’s farmers – under “freedom” and “democracy” Â would be able to plant the indigenous seeds of their choosing. Wrong. That choice, under little-known Order #81, would be illegal.–Iraq’s commercial farmers must now buy “registered” seeds, by law. According to Ghali Hassan: “The US Order introduces a system of private monopoly rights over seeds and will force Iraqi farmers to rely on big US corporations to buy its yearly crop seeds for planting.”[1] Many of these American seeds, apparently, were originally designed for pasta.—Obviously, the Bush domestic replacing free enterprise with monopoly capitalism is for now for export, and Order #81 carries the Orwellian chapter title of “Plant Variety Protection” (PVP). Of course, it accomplishes the opposite, imposing standardization and uniformity upon Iraq’s food supply. Jerry Smith explains:—“The most significant part of Order 81 is a new chapter that it inserts on Plant Variety Protection’ (PVP). This concerns itself not with the protection of biodiversity, but rather with the protection of the commercial interests of large seed corporations.—To qualify for PVP, seeds have to meet the following criteria: they must be new, distinct, uniform and stable’. Under the new regulations imposed by Order 81, therefore, the sort of seeds Iraqi farmers are now being encouraged to grow by corporations such as WWWC will be those registered under PVP.—On the other hand, it is impossible for the seeds developed by the people of Iraq to meet these criteria. Their seeds are not new’ as they are the product of millennia of development. Nor are they distinct’. The free exchange of seeds practiced for centuries ensures that characteristics are spread and shared across local varieties. And they are the opposite of ‘uniform’ and ‘stable’ by the very nature of their biodiversity. They cross-pollinate with other nearby varieties, ensuring they are always changing and always adapting.”[2]–Could this be true? Is planting Mesopotamian seeds now illegal? The actual text of the Coalition Provisional Authority’s Order #81 confirms the ugly truth. Important sections highlighted in bold by this author:—-CPA/ORD/26 April 2004/81 15 “A. A Register shall be regulated in the Ministry under the supervision of the Registrar and shall be called the “Register of New Plant Varieties” in which all the data related to the new plant varieties shall be maintained
    55) Chapter Threequater, Article 4 is added to read as follows: “The variety may be registered according to the following criteria:
    A. If the variety is novel such that at the date of filing the registration application or at the date of the priority provided in paragraph (A) of Article 8 of this Chapter and according to what may be required, then plant propagating and harvesting materials of the variety have not been sold or otherwise transferred to others by or with consent of the breeder for purposes of exploitation of the variety: For more than one year inside Iraq and for more than four years outside Iraq; or For more than six years outside Iraq if related to trees or vines;
    B. If such materials are distinctive so that the variety differs clearly from any other variety whose existence is a matter of common knowledge at the time of filing the application, considering that any filing of an application for the granting of plant variety protection or for the entering of another variety in an official register of varieties, in any country, shall be deemed to render that other variety a matter of common knowledge from the date of the application, provided that the
    CPA/ORD/26 April 2004/81 16 S If it is uniform subject to the variation that may be expected from the particular features of its propagation; or–If it is stable such that its relevant characteristics remain unchanged after repeated propagation or, in the case of a particular cycle of propagation, at the end of each such cycle.'[3]
    Order #81 is a sop to American Agribusiness and corporations that traffic in frankenfoods, like Monsanto, a Missouri chemical company with strong ties to Clarence Tomas, John Ashcroft, George Bush Sr., and Donald Rumsfeld, who was once president of Searle Pharmaceuticals, now owned by Monsanto.
    Order #81 is the 21st-century equivalent of barbarian plunder; the Iraqis don’t call the Americans “the New Mongols” for nothing. But Order #81 is also a bad idea. Civilization has always been involved in “selective breeding” and “animal husbandry,” but only in recent years have scientists created “transgenic” plants and animals with characteristic never possible in nature, like rushing to maturity in half the time. Furthermore, farming never involved animal-and-plant mixtures: “Anti-freeze” fish genes from Arctic flounders are spliced into tomatoes.[4] Farmers were never able to cross the animal-plant divide, but now, with rogue science, they can.
    Complexity theory reveals why genetically-modified foods are smeared carbon-copies of their originals. In any complex or living system  biological or social – the “whole” is always greater than the sum of its “parts.” The entire system displays qualities and behaviors that transcend those of its components; and it reflects integrity above and beyond its particulars. -The parts of a complex or living system are not inter-changeable; change one part, even with a small perturbation, and there can be a much larger feedback effect.[5] The entire system changes or, to be more precise, degenerates  unless, of course, one has more faith in a profit-driven corporate scientist than in 5,000 years of Mesopotamian farming