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    Real Fat Real Benefits
    For example, Watkins, et al. found that the AA metabolite, PGE2, is responsible for bone degeneration, and that omega−3 fatty acids, as anyone who understands the biochemistry would know, block the formation of PGE2. But these researchers also found that: “Saturated fat intake led to increased bone density…” and that “…butter fat… reduced ex vivo bibe PGE2… and increased bone formation rates… compared to those given diets higher in n−6 [omega 6] fatty acids,” and they talk about how “saturated fatty acids… can benefit bone modeling.
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    [F1]Copper Anti fungal
    [F2]Conditions of Copper Deficits
    [F3]Maybe a better form since it is taken easily is protective and does not impbalance the system
    [F4]Analgesic and Anti Inflammatory
    [F5]Success of Copper being used to treat and restore
    [F6]Brain organization of proteins
    [F7]Reversing Gray hair
    [F8]How to apply copper salicylate amd use
    [F9]How to make the Schweitzer Formula
    [F10]The formula continued
    [F11]Dosing to 15 mls or 1 tablespoon
    [F12]Which does not mean it is safer—it just means there is less-
    [F13]Corrosive. Harmful if inhaled. May be absorbed through intact skin. Causes eye and skin irritation and possible burns. May cause severe respiratory tract irritation with possible burns. May cause severe digestive tract irritation with possible burns. May cause liver and kidney damage. May cause central nervous system effects. This substance has caused adverse reproductive and fetal effects in animals. Inhalation of fumes may cause metal-fume fever. Possible sensitizer.
    Target Organs: Blood, kidneys, central nervous system, liver, brain.
    Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Metals, aluminum, ammonia, chlorates, copper, copper alloys, ethylene oxide, halogens, iron, nitrates, sulfur, sulfuric acid, oxygen, acetylene, lithium, rubidium, sodium carbide, lead, nitromethane, peroxyformic acid, calcium, chlorine dioxide, metal oxides, azides, 3-bromopropyne, alkynes + silver perchlorate, methylsilane + oxygen, tetracarbonylnickel + oxygen, boron diiodophosphide.
    Hazardous Decomposition Products: Mercury/mercury oxides.
    [F14]might be a good idea not to eat ii these at all
    [F15]Another reason to read labels and research what you are buying
    [F16]These days avoid the wild as well due to the metal overload
    [F17]It had a higher oxidation or break down
    [F18]Saturated Fat—
    [F19]is an immunosuppressant drug widely used in organ transplantation to prevent rejection. It reduces the activity of the immune system by interfering with the activity and growth of T cells.
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    Show of the Month April 18 2015
    Rectifying and Healing—Guidelines to Assist in Restoring Health
    Copper on the brain at rest
    Copper can protect against Alzheimer’s disease
    Six weeks daily ingestion of whole blueberry powder increases natural killer
    cell counts and reduces arterial stiffness in sedentary males and females
    Vitamin C curing Hepatitis
    Rectifying and Healing—Guidelines to Assist in Restoring Health
    Causes and Conditions that Afflicts
    Inborn Determinants
    Genetic make-up (genotype)
    Intrauterine/congenital factors
    Intrauterine influences: maternal nutrition, health, & lifestyle
    Maternal exposures: drugs, toxins, illnesses, viruses, psycho-emotional
    Constitution: determines susceptibility
    Disturbances/Disturbing Factors
    Illnesses: Pathobiography
    Medical Interventions (or lack of)
    Physical and emotional exposures, stresses and trauma
    Toxic and harmful substances
    Trauma (physical/emotional)
    Environmental disturbances, stress: environmental, physical, emotional
    How We Live – Hygienic, Lifestyle, Psycho-emotional,
    Spiritual, Socioeconomic & Environmental Factors
    Spiritual life/practice
    Relationship to larger universe
    (trust, consciousness, compassion)
    Exposure to Nature/ Environment
    Fresh air
    Clean water
    Natural light
    Geography and ecosystem
    Exposure to natural systems, wild places, cycles
    Diet, Nutrition, and Digestion
    Unadulterated food
    Optimal nutrition
    Rest and Exercise
    Rest and sleep
    Exercise and movement
    Vital Force, vital reserve, energy
    Structural integrity
    Socio-economic factors
    Loving and being loved
    Meaningful work
    Government/public policy
    Income and economic
    Health care (quality and access)
    Solutions and Principles to Rectify Afflictions
    Establish the conditions for health

    Identify and remove disturbing factors

    Institute a more healthful regimen
    Stimulate the healing power of nature
    (vis medicatrix naturae):
    the self-healing processes
    Address weakened or damaged systems or organs

    Strengthen the immune system

    Decrease toxicity

    Normalize inflammatory function

    Optimize metabolic function

    Balance regulatory systems

    Enhance regeneration

    Harmonize with your life force
    Correct structural integrity
    Address pathology: Use specific natural substances,
    modalities, or interventions
    Address pathology: Use specific pharmacologic or
    synthetic substances
    Suppress or surgically remove pathology
    The actual therapeutic order may change, depending on the individual
    patient’s needs for safe and effective care. The needs of the patient are
    primary in determining the appropriate approach to therapy.
    Acute and chronic concerns are both addressed using the therapeutic
    Acute concerns are addressed first to avoid further damage, risk,
    or harm to the patient. The point of entry for assessment and therapy is
    dependent on each patient’s need for effective, safe care, healing, and
    prevention of suffering or degeneration.
    The Principles of Correction and Restoration
    OF EVIL HABITS, or the weeds of life,
    such as over-eating, alcoholic drinks, drugs, the use of tea, coffee and cocoa that contain poisons, meat eating, improper hours of living, waste of vital forces, lowered vitality, sexual and social aberrations, worry, etc.
    CORRECTIVE HABITS. Correct breathing, correct exercise, right mental attitude. Moderation in the pursuit of health and wealth.
    NEW PRINCIPLES OF LIVING. Proper fasting, selection of food, hydropathy, light and air baths, mud baths, osteopathy, chiropractic and other forms of mechano-therapy, mineral
    salts obtained in organic form, electropathy, heliopathy, steam or Turkish baths, sitz baths, etc.
    Natural healing is the most desirable factor in the regeneration of the race. It is a return to nature in methods of living and treatment. It makes use of the elementary forces of nature, of
    chemical selection of foods that will constitute a correct medical dietary. The diet of civilized man is devitalized, is poor in essential organic salts. The fact that foods are cooked in so many ways
    and are salted, spiced, sweetened and otherwise made attractive to the palate, induces people to over-eat, and over eating does more harm than under feeding. High protein food and lazy
    habits are the cause of cancer, Bright’s disease, rheumatism and the poisons of auto-intoxication.
    There is really but one healing force in existence and that is Nature herself, which means the inherent restorative power of the organism to overcome disease. Now the question is, can this power be appropriated and guided more readily by extrinsic or intrinsic methods? That is to say, is it more amenable to combat disease by irritating drugs, vaccines and serums employed by superstitious moderns, or by the bland intrinsic congenial forces of Natural Therapeutics, that are employed by Alternatives and Tried and tested methods of Complimentary Healing which has pass the test of time – Are not these natural forces much more orthodox than the artificial resources of the druggist? The practical application of these natural agencies, duly suited to the individual case, are true signs that the art of healing has been elaborated by the aid of absolutely harmless, congenial treatments, under whose ministration the death rate is but five per cent of persons treated as compared with fifty per cent( at the time of this writing this may have been true –but the numbers today are a lot higher since allopathy is the number one killer in North America with thre techniques in the art of butchering and maiming—radiating and chemically polluting people in the name of treatment- which is essentially what is done since the actual rectifying or eliminating the cause of the afflictions today is not currently being practiced or utilized.)
    Copper on the brain at rest
    Date:November 26, 2014
    Source:DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Two-photon imaging of CF3 shows that the addition of acute BCS dosages also reduces labile copper pools in retinal neurons.
    In recent years it has been established that copper plays an essential role in the health of the human brain. Improper copper oxidation has been linked to several neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Menkes’ and Wilson’s. Copper has also been identified as a critical ingredient in the enzymes that activate the brain’s neurotransmitters in response to stimuli. Now a new study by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has shown that proper copper levels are also essential to the health of the brain at rest.-“Using new molecular imaging techniques, we’ve identified copper as a dynamic modulator of spontaneous activity of developing neural circuits, which is the baseline activity of neurons without active stimuli, kind of like when you sleep or daydream, that allows circuits to rest and adapt,” says Chris Chang, a faculty chemist with Berkeley Lab’s Chemical Sciences Division who led this study. “Traditionally, copper has been regarded as a static metabolic cofactor that must be buried within enzymes to protect against the generation of reactive oxygen species and subsequent free radical damage. We’ve shown that dynamic and loosely bound pools of copper can also modulate neural activity and are essential for the normal development of synapses and circuits.”–Chang , who also holds appointments with the University of California (UC) Berkeley’s Chemistry Department and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), is the corresponding author of a paper that describes this study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The paper is titled “Copper is an endogenous modulator of neural circuit spontaneous activity.” Co-authors are Sheel Dodani, Alana Firl, Jefferson Chan, Christine Nam, Allegra Aron, Carl Onak, Karla Ramos-Torres, Jaeho Paek, Corey Webster and Marla Feller.–Although the human brain accounts for only two-percent of total body mass, it consumes 20-percent of the oxygen taken in through respiration. This high demand for oxygen and oxidative metabolism has resulted in the brain harboring the body’s highest levels of copper, as well as iron and zinc. Over the past few years, Chang and his research group at UC Berkeley have developed a series of fluorescent probes for molecular imaging of copper in the brain.–“A lack of methods for monitoring dynamic changes in copper in whole living organisms has made it difficult to determine the complex relationships between copper status and various stages of health and disease,” Chang said. “We’ve been designing fluorescent probes that can map the movement of copper in live cells, tissue or even model organisms, such as mice and zebra fish.”
    For this latest study, Chang and his group developed a fluorescent probe called Copper Fluor-3 (CF3) that can be used for one- and two-photon imaging of copper ions. This new probe allowed them to explore the potential contributions to cell signaling of loosely bound forms of copper in hippocampal neurons and retinal tissue.–“CF3 is a more hydrophilic probe compared to others we have made, so it gives more even staining and is suitable for both cells and tissue,” Chang says. “It allows us to utilize both confocal and two-photon imaging methods when we use it along with a matching control dye (Ctrl-CF3) that lacks sensitivity to copper.”–With the combination of CF3 and Ctrl-CF3, Chang and his group showed that neurons and neural tissue maintain stores of loosely bound copper that can be attenuated by chelation to create what is called a “labile copper pool.” Targeted disruption of these labile copper pools by acute chelation or genetic knockdown of the copper ion channel known as CTR1 (for copper transporter 1) alters spontaneous neural activity in developing hippocampal and retinal circuits.[F1]- “We demonstrated that the addition of the copper chelator bathocuproine disulfonate (BCS) modulates copper signaling which translates into modulation of neural activity,” Chang says. “Acute copper chelation as a result of additional BCS in dissociated hippocampal cultures and intact developing retinal tissue removed the copper which resulted in too much spontaneous activity.”–The results of this study suggest that the mismanagement of copper in the brain that has been linked to Wilson’s, Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders can also contribute to misregulation of signaling in cell−to-cell communications.–“Our results hold therapeutic implications in that whether a patient needs copper supplements or copper chelators depends on how much copper is present and where in the brain it is located,” Chang says. “These findings also highlight the continuing need to develop molecular imaging probes as pilot screening tools to help uncover unique and unexplored metal biology in living systems.”–Story Source-The above story is based on materials provided by DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The original article was written by Lynn Yarris. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.–Journal Reference-Sheel C. Dodani, Alana Firl, Jefferson Chan, Christine I. Nam, Allegra T. Aron, Carl S. Onak, Karla M. Ramos-Torres, Jaeho Paek, Corey M. Webster, Marla B. Feller, Christopher J. Chang. Copper is an endogenous modulator of neural circuit spontaneous activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014; 111 (46): 16280 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1409796111
    Copper can protect against Alzheimer’s disease
    Date:February 17, 2013
    Source: Keele University
    Researchers in The Birchall Centre at Keele University, Staffordshire, UK, have provided unequivocal evidence that under conditions which are approximately similar to those found in the brain, copper can only protect against beta amyloid forming beta sheets and as such it is highly unlikely that copper is directly involved in the formation of senile plaques in Alzheimer’s disease.–The research, published by Nature’s online journal Scientific Reports, may also imply that lower levels of copper in the brain may promote the mechanisms whereby beta amyloid is deposited as senile plaques in Alzheimer’s disease.–This research addressed the on-going question as to whether copper in the brain contributes to the formation of the senile plaques in Alzheimer’s disease. While previous research at Keele’s Birchall Centre pointed towards copper being potentially protective in preventing the protein beta amyloid from aggregating as beta sheets and forming senile plaques it had remained a controversial issue for some.–Story Source–The above story is based on materials provided by Keele University. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.–Journal Reference–Matthew Mold, Larissa Ouro-Gnao, Beata M Wieckowski, Christopher Exley. Copper prevents amyloid-β1–42 from forming amyloid fibrils under near-physiological conditions in vitro. Scientific Reports, 2013; 3 DOI: 10.1038/srep01256
    Six weeks daily ingestion of whole blueberry powder increases natural killer cell counts and reduces arterial stiffness in sedentary males and females.
    Nutr Res. 2014 Jul;34(7):577-84
    Authors: McAnulty LS, Collier SR, Landram MJ, Whittaker DS, Isaacs SE, Klemka JM, Cheek SL, Arms JC, McAnulty SR
    Evidence suggests that berries contain bioactive compounds, which reduce certain cancers and hypertension. Our hypothesis was that daily blueberry (BB) consumption would increase natural killer (NK) cells and plasma redox capacity and reduce blood pressure, augmentation index (AIx), central pulse wave velocity, and aortic systolic pressures (ASPs). Twenty-five men and postmenopausal women aged 18 to 50 years were recruited and randomized to BB (n, 13) or placebo groups (n, 12). Participants were provided with BB (equivalent to 250 g berries) or placebo powders each day for 6 weeks. Blood pressure, vascular performance testing, and blood samples were taken at baseline (presupplementation). Participants returned after 6 weeks and repeated all procedures. Presupplementation to postsupplementation comparisons for the main effects of treatment, time, and treatment-time interaction were made using a 2 (treatment) × 2 (times) repeated-measures analysis of variance for all vascular measures, redox status, and NK cell counts. Anthropometric measures were compared using t tests. Body mass, composition, and overall blood pressures were not affected in either group. Overall, AIx and ASPs were decreased in BB (treatment effect, P = .024 and P = .046, respectively). Plasma redox was not affected. Absolute NK cells were increased in BB (time, P = .001 and interaction, P = .012). Subjects (n, 9) with prehypertensive pressures (≥120/80 mm Hg, respectively) were examined as a subset using t tests and exhibited significant reductions in diastolic pressure (P = .038) from presupplementation to postsupplementation in BB. We conclude that BB ingestion for 6 weeks increases NK cells and reduces AIx, ASP, and diastolic pressures in sedentary males and females. — PMID: 25150116 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
    Vitamin C curing Hepatitis
    Vitamin C will cure viral hepatitis in two to four days and allow the patient to resume his usual activities. (500-700 mg/kg body weight taken orally; approximately 30 grams/24 hours in orange juice). Dr. Klenner reports that Dr. Bauer at the University Clinic at Basel, Switzerland used just ten grams daily intravenously. It proved to be the best treatment available. He indicated that hepatitis (infectious and serum) can be reversed in a few days using intravenous Vitamin C. Heavy exercise had no effect on the outcome. [Freebern]
    1) A 27 year old male with 103° temperature, nausea and jaundice of three days. 60 grams of sodium ascorbate in 600 cc of normal saline was given intravenously at 120 drops/minute. Five grams of Vitamin C was given orally every four hours around the clock. Fifteen grams of C was again given three hours after the first I.V. Another 60 grams of C was given intravenously twelve hours after the initial one (he used 5% glucose in water this time). That one took 75 minutes to accomplish. Then another fifteen grams of C intravenously after two more hours.
    For the 30 hours of treatment he received 270 grams intravenously and 45 grams orally—no diarrhea. Temperature was normal at this time and urine clear of bile. Discharged from the hospital, he was back to work. C sets in as a flash oxidizer and helps the body manufacture interferon, a natural antiviral agent.
    2) A 22 year old male with chills and fever and a diagnosis of viral hepatitis. His roommate had been admitted the day before. Fifteen grams of sodium ascorbate was given intravenously every twelve hours for three days, then once daily for six days. Sodium ascorbate was swallowed at five grams every four hours (135 grams intravenously, and 180 grams orally). No diarrhea appeared with these doses. He was sent home on the sixth day with no fever and no bile in the urine. Soon he was back to work. His roommate with just bed rest was in the hospital for 26 days!
    3) Another male contracted hepatitis in Central America. There, he got lemon juice orally and rectally. Hot mud packs were placed over his liver. He had 104° degree temperature and was sent home. He was told to try bed rest and a protein diet. When Dr. Klenner saw him, he was jaundiced, temperature = 101° and had a very large tender liver. His I.V. was 30 grams sodium ascorbate and one gram calcium gluconate. Oral C: five grams every four hours around the clock for three days. 400 mg adenosine IM. 100,000 units of palmitate Vitamin A given daily. On the fourth day he got 70 grams ascorbate intravenously and one gram calcium. On the sixth day, he got another 70 grams intravenously, and on the seventh day the bilirubin in the serum was down to 1.9 compared to 98 on the first day; SGOT had fallen from 450 to 45. At home he took fifteen grams of C orally, 1,400 mg of choline three times a day plus a high protein and carbohydrate diet—no sequelae.
    4) A 42-year-old male suffering from chronic hepatitis had been unsuccessfully treated with steroids for seven months. He was given B complex and Vitamin C: 45 grams of sodium ascorbate plus one gram of calcium gluconate in 500 cc of water with 5% glucose was given intravenously three times a week. He took five grams of C orally every four hours. He was free of the disease in five months. Dr. Klenner felt if he had more massive and continuous doses in the hospital he would have been well in a few weeks, but his peers on the staff would have denied the patient this safe treatment.
    Dr. Klenner reemphasized the point, “Sodium ascorbate in amounts ranging up to 900 mg per kilogram body weight every eight to twelve hours will effect cures in two to four days.” Adenosine, 400 to 1,200 mg. intramuscularly, daily.
    He felt that the risk of serum hepatitis from dialysis machines could be eliminated by flushing the machines with 50 grams of sodium ascorbate. When he needed to give a patient a blood transfusion he always added ten grams of sodium ascorbate to each pint. The Japanese, he said, have added but five grams of C to each unit of blood; result, no hepatitis and in thousands of cases.
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    [F1]Glyphosate poisoning removes from the body copper—iron and zinc—and when combo’d with sulphur appears to take away the floaters as well zince zinc+ copper make SOD—which is located in lung –highest –Eyes second highest