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Avatar photoEK

    Oh Jenn, you know the answer to that , of course I do. It is really good. But than again, it was the CEO´s choice so …speaks to itself. Excellent choice.
    That´s why I give a  glimpse of it , a little preview to the masses, so they can see it is really good and may consider buying it, but most are running out of money anyway, faster now, due to the NWO austerity agenda, etc , old news. So a preview might come in handy.

    Whatever it maybe it sure it worth its bucks, you can put an elephant on that thing. I dont know , might start to blush, drop my coffee, things like that , we cant have that..
    So she will be on the continent…hahahaha..whoops..I just pretend I did not hear that…are you sending out your spy drones on me…hehehe…
    She is from the Ghent area I may dare to think

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    Am I supposed to take the bait now chief ? hahahah

    Tricky eh ?
    maybe I should not have posted those shirtless pics, you see what happens…shit..too late…
    Visitors of the feminine kind, oh hello…is it safe ?  [crazy]
    I dont know, it s a tricky one, not sure if it s a psyop…. hmm …..hahaha
    nasty nasty…making salad..being in my typical angel state and there comes the kiss…whoopla..snapshot ..and EK is on the web blushing
    there goes my macho alter ego…down the toilet, thanks Jenn, really …hahaha….hmm….I may have to reconsider that part…really…
    or she brings one of those dangerous booze bottles with here, we saw the effects in the video, you can flatten any tiger in the domain with that, without blinking an eye…sticking out the handbag, what was it Elixer D´Anvers…yeah ..right…

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    I dont stand a chance , CEO, have mercy…on the other hand, think she has kids and so forth….
    so ..what are the odds they let her go…mammy must do this and that ..milking the cows, doing the laundry..changing tractor tires….keep things running… so ..nah…
    It is not too far away …an hour at most by train….maybe things get cozy ,  things turn conspiratorial…..ever thought about that lady J ? hmm
    No you have not , duh…
    We might even start gossiping about you …ah I have your attention..hmm …getting mother superior in the cross hairs aha…
    you see…danger galore here hahhaah
    would not mind , can pick her up at the station with the car
    to save her fairy feet
    on the other hand, ah …I do not like to give too much expectations…would be nice but can live without it in a positive sense.
    We should not be too pushy …determined Jenn…rings a bell …yep..
    Have stuff here, so she can play, make things, I do the cooking , after that the booze comes and the rest is none of your business…hahaha
    Just having a laugh here
    Hope that is permitted….I cant promise anything, kind of freak with pictures…you know me…privacy …ah…
    as only you know who I am
    prefer to keep it that way and lady M of course…
    as by now, thanks to her endless supply of booze I am sure the girls will have had their nightly laughs about me …better not respond to that one..
    or only in hidden terms….
    Dont tell me she is one of those vegan victims , please dont…dont go there you have been warned hahaah
    Besides does she even want to..hmm …good question..
    Anyway if you pick up a frequency on your all seeing radar you can give me notice…
    All fine with me
    Again , no fuss.
    Should I need to hoover now ? [wave]