Interview Joe and Phil

Interview Joe and Phil

    1.Paramagnetics. 2. World War II. 3. Agriculture. 4. Natural Cures 5. Entomology 6. Radio Technology 7. Infra Red Technology I. Title. PART ONE Joe and Marilyn Blankinship visit with Philip and Winnie Callahan at their home in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2004. A few initial minutes of introduction are not captured on video. … Read moreInterview Joe and Phil

Archive Orgonize Australia

Archive Orgonize Australia

    Recently the forum went down, so put the bits and pieces together in a pdf so you can still access it and learn a trick or two.   Another one memory holed, it is getting repetitious…. I know there is a lack of interest, at least publicly, behind the scenes there are always … Read moreArchive Orgonize Australia