Several of Jenn´s Workshops

Several of Jenn´s Workshops

Jenny Here’s a lovely selection of photos from a fabulous Workshop hosted by Tessa  at her beautiful home in Wexford on Sunday.The weather was perfect, Tessa’s hospitality was amazing, I know all 11 participants had a wonderful day. I have so many great photos, it’s too hard to select the best so I’ll put up … Read moreSeveral of Jenn´s Workshops

The Way I Went – A Selenite Way

The Way I Went – A Selenite Way

  Think it is that time of year that I may try to put it up, if I even did, perhaps I did, long ago, partial or in full, fragments on long gone forums, who knows, hard to say. Besides, perhaps it is better to put it up now, after seven years , being on … Read moreThe Way I Went – A Selenite Way

Interview Healer Eric Raines

Interview Healer Eric Raines

  So, here’s a question. We’re gonna go a completely different direction here with this question, but I have seen quite a few people asking you about this, so I think that there’s gonna be a lot of people in the audience that are going to be interested in your response to this question. And … Read moreInterview Healer Eric Raines

Archive Orgonize Australia

Archive Orgonize Australia

    Recently the forum went down, so put the bits and pieces together in a pdf so you can still access it and learn a trick or two.   Another one memory holed, it is getting repetitious…. I know there is a lack of interest, at least publicly, behind the scenes there are always … Read moreArchive Orgonize Australia