The Way I Went – A Selenite Way

The Way I Went – A Selenite Way

  Think it is that time of year that I may try to put it up, if I even did, perhaps I did, long ago, partial or in full, fragments on long gone forums, who knows, hard to say. Besides, perhaps it is better to put it up now, after seven years , being on … Read moreThe Way I Went – A Selenite Way

Irish Country Cures – Patrick Logan

Irish Country Cures – Patrick Logan

        Genuine remedies are contrasted with the outrageous and often hilarious quackery that has always accompanied them. “Meticulously indexed as to type of ailment and cure, the book is divided into three sections dealing with Internal Ailments, External Ailments, Methods of Treatment…folklore experts provide scholarly information on the history of Irish folk … Read moreIrish Country Cures – Patrick Logan

Weeds Guardians of the Soil – Prof. Cocannouer

Weeds Guardians of the Soil   – Prof. Cocannouer

    Weeds Guardians of the Soil by Joseph A. Cocannouer Author of Trampling Out the Vintage The Devin-Adair Company Old Greenwich • Connecticut Contents 1. Weeds and Youth 2. Weeds and Weeds 3. Weeds and the Soil World 4. The Fertility Chain and Soil Balance 5. Plant Roots 6. Weeds as Mother Crops 7. … Read moreWeeds Guardians of the Soil – Prof. Cocannouer

Interview Healer Eric Raines

Interview Healer Eric Raines

  So, here’s a question. We’re gonna go a completely different direction here with this question, but I have seen quite a few people asking you about this, so I think that there’s gonna be a lot of people in the audience that are going to be interested in your response to this question. And … Read moreInterview Healer Eric Raines

Interview Joe and Phil

Interview Joe and Phil

    1.Paramagnetics. 2. World War II. 3. Agriculture. 4. Natural Cures 5. Entomology 6. Radio Technology 7. Infra Red Technology I. Title. PART ONE Joe and Marilyn Blankinship visit with Philip and Winnie Callahan at their home in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2004. A few initial minutes of introduction are not captured on video. … Read moreInterview Joe and Phil

Ancient Mysteries Modern Visions

Ancient Mysteries Modern Visions

  This book details Phil Callahan’s initial discovery of the role and power of paramagnetic rocks in agriculture. By studying the lives, rituals, and agriculture of ancient peoples, he has assembled a first-rate scientific explanation of previously misunderstood ancient practices. Learn how Egyptian priests levitated people, why rocks and soil were brought from one side … Read moreAncient Mysteries Modern Visions

Nexus Interview Phil Callahan

  Professor Philip Callahan, PhD, the author of 17 books and over 150 published papers, is widely regarded as a leading light in sustainable agriculture. His breakthrough work with insects and infrared radiation is a milestone in the understanding of the link between nutrition and pest pressure. Dr Callahan’s more recent research and discoveries in … Read moreNexus Interview Phil Callahan